March Resolution

Today’s the last day of February, um, WHAT. Where did the month go? I know it’s the shortest, but still, I think I blinked and missed the whole month.

The end of the month means (paycheck!) oh, and that it’s time for a new monthly resolution, but first, let’s talk about February’s.


For the month of February I made a goal to sketch for 5 minutes everyday and plank everyday. Well that was a big fat fail. Actually I’m being a little dramatic, but January’s Meditation Challenge was much more successful. I think my problem this month was setting two goals. I thought I could get away with two since they were so different (one for the brain, one for the body) and they were relatively small, but I think it got a little overwhelming some days and some days I just straight up forgot.

Overall I was probably around 60/40, so the majority of the time I did what I was supposed to do, which I’m more than happy with. I mean it’s way more than I would have done had I not set the goal for myself. I’ve also gotten back into the habit of sketching/doodling which I really enjoy and is doing wonders for my creativity.

So maybe I wasn’t 100%, but I still feel good about it.

Moving into March, my new goal is 5 minutes of cleaning everyday. I’m not a neat person by nature (my parents will definitely vouch for that one), I’m getting much better about picking up after myself but there are days (especially when school is crazy!) where my room looks like a tornado has torn through it. Whoops. I think taking 5 minutes, everyday will make give me time to pick up whatever I’ve thrown on the floor during the day, without being an overwhelming amount of time. Because after 30 minutes of cleaning I start hating life a little.


Are you a neat or messy person?

Do you have any goals you’re working on?

P.S. My giveaway ends tomorrow! Hurry up and enter! I’ll probably end up picking a winner late Friday night. Go win some stuff!

What I Would Eat Wednesday {WIAW}

Happy humpday!

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m super ready for Friday. Well, I’m always ready for Friday so that is nothing new. But I would really like it to hurry up and get here.

In other news, the weather is trying to spite me.

boone nc forecast

A few days ago I said something along the lines of “I’m sick of the cold, I’m going to be PISSED if it snows in March”.

Haha Mother Nature, you showed me. What I wouldn’t give for a nice weekend so I could actually get an outdoor run in. The treadmill is slowly beginning kill me, but it looks like we’re going to be friends for a little longer.

I guess it works out because genius me decided to go running today even though my upper calf/knee is still acting funky from this weekend’s long run, and now I’m living it up with an ice pack and tennis ball on my living room floor because the pain came back full force. This probably means I should take a break but I’m antsy and I want to give up and MOVE. I guess I’ll stick to low-impact cardio until things start getting better.



Don’t mind my argyle old man socks.

Now for the food.

On Monday I thought to myself “I’m actually going to take pictures of everything I eat tomorrow so I can do a real What I Ate Wednesday”. Guess how many pictures I took, zero. Whoopsies. That’s okay, my eats were not exciting at all (seriously I ate 3 apples and 2 bananas yesterday, creative cuisine is obviously my forte). So instead I thought I’d show you my dream day of food, because that’s way more interesting that what I would eat anyway.



Okay, this is what I eat for breakfast everyday anyway, yes that’s lame but it is my absolute favorite breakfast and I look forward to eating it every morning. But since I can have anything I want I would add this in too:

Mmmm… almond butter 🙂

Morning Snack

Snacks are always necessary.

green smoothie

Green smoothie! I love smoothies but I rarely make them because I’m usually too lazy to get out/clean the blender. I should change that.

And because I’m ALWAYS cold and a huge temperature wimp…

I’d follow that smoothie up with my favorite coffee, Larry’s Beans St. Valentino’s blend. Black, please, because I drink coffee like an old man. Your creamer and sugar has no place here.

By the way, if they sell Larry’s Beans anywhere near you go out and buy some NOW. Seriously, get up from your computer, get to the store and get some. It is the best coffee I have EVER tasted. Seriously, I don’t play when it comes to good coffee.


coyote kitchen moab boat

I’d go to Coyote Kitchen and get the Moab boat (Coconut rice, black beans, sweet potatoes, blackened tempeh, fried plantains, roasted corn, and scallions, served with sweet red vegan mayo and cranberry salsa). So dang good. I think I will cry on graduation because it means I will no longer be in the same city as Coyote Kitchen, if you’ve ever eaten there then you know I’m not being dramatic. Okay maybe a little.

Afternoon Snack


FROOOO YOOOOO. Of course 🙂 Preferably peanut butter and coffee yogurts topped with lots of Reese’s, chocolate covered espresso beans, more peanut butter and dark chocolate. I think I just drooled a little.


Whole Foods hot bar! Because I’m indecisive and would like as many veggie options as possible. Bring on the salad!


Last, but certainly not least

Chocolate cake with coffee buttercream, um, how AMAZING does that look? You can thank Pinterest for this delicious food porn. We’re just going to pretend it’s gluten-free. Get. In. My. Belly.

So in summary, chocolate, coffee, peanut butter, veggies and more chocolate and coffee. Yup, sounds pretty accurate 🙂

What’s your dream day of food like?

Are you a fan of snow? 

Ice Ice Baby & African Dance

Hey guys!

This week is going to be all kinds of crazy, but we are 1.5 weeks from spring break so I can’t complain. In two weeks I will be living it up with my friends at the Outer Banks and I’m a little A LOT excited about.

Speaking of beach-y things here is what Boone looked like today:

boone nc ice storm

And by beach-y things I meant the complete opposite. There’s a good coating of ice over the whole city, which is a little awesome because my two morning classes were cancelled. Sorry to those with responsibilities who had to be at work early this morning, while I was chilling on the couch reading blogs.

Confession: I stole this picture off a random student’s Instagram, thank you mysterious Appalachian instagrammer. I was not about to stand in the freezing rain to take pictures of ice. I like warm things.

Enough weather talk, I’m weathered out here in Boone. I’m not sure if that’s a real word, but it’s how I feel.

If you’re on the hunt for a new and interesting workout, you should definitely try African dance.

You read that right, African dance.

This afternoon I took an African dance class for my dance history class. Every time I take an African dance class (which is much more than you would think for a little white girl like me) I’m reminded of what an AMAZING workout it is. You’re constantly  jumping, turning, skipping etc. African dance uses a very grounded stance, which works those legs like crazy! And you pretty much never stop moving. The class reminded me of cardio dance classes, you know those ones where you feel like you’re not doing that much work until the end of class when you’re covered in sweat? Yeah, like that.

african dancers disney world

Oh you know, just dancing with some African dancers in Disney World circa 2006. Three guesses which person is me.

If you’re looking to spice up your fitness routine you should check out a local African dance class near you! It might push you a little bit out of your comfort zone movement-wise but if you can let go a little it is an amazing experience.

Classes might be a little difficult to find, but you can search local dance studios because they are often offered there, or sometimes they are offered through cultural centers, just keep your eyes peeled!

What’s the most unique workout you’ve done?

What’s the weather like where you are? Icy, and snow is the forecast all weekend. I’m living somewhere warm next.

Oh Monday {MIMM}

Oh Mondays, why are you so cruel?

You’re screeching alarm is such a rude awakening after a rejuvenating weekend. Can we make a deal where we just skip to Friday? I can get on board with that?

No? Okay, I’ll stop complaining, after all sometimes Mondays can be a little Marvelous… or something like that.

(Thanks Katie!)

Marvelous is… semi-spontaneous trips home. After being out of town the past two weeks, I was planning on actually spending a weekend in Boone, but Thursday night I decided to head home and celebrate my mom’s birthday and it was exactly what I needed.

Marvelous is… kitty snuggles

jenny cat

Full on crazy cat lady status and I’m not even ashamed about it. Cats make life better.

Marvelous is… applying for graduation and ordering my cap and gown last week! Holy cannoli, where did the time go? I’m pretty sure yesterday I was just a little freshman living it up in the dorms. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for the real world.

high school friends graduation

High school pictures are so awkward. I can’t believe this was four years ago!

Marvelous is… Saturday morning pancakes. I haven’t made pancakes in FOREVER and they need to happen much, much more often. Nothing says happy Saturday like a stack of pancakes.

gluten free strawberry pancakes

The pancakes are 1 small banana, 1 egg and 2 tsp mashed together until smooth and cooked in a grease pan like a regular pancake. How an egg and banana create such a fluffy pancake is magic I don’t even understand, but I do know they will be on regular rotation from now on.

Speaking of pancakes, want to see something gross? Of course you don’t but I’m showing you anyway.

chocolate pancake fail

That would be probably the most epic pancake fail you will ever witness. Almond meal, flax meal, cocoa powder and almond milk do not combine into a delicious pancake, instead they combine into one shitty looking (literally) mess that tastes like nothing. But I topped it with a little vanilla frosting and ate it anyway. Frosting makes everything better.

Marvelous is… a cocoa powder dessert that isn’t a complete failure:

cocoa powder peanut butter sweet potato healthy dessert

A sweet potato topped with peanut butter, cocoa powder, cinnamon and a tiny sprinkle of salt. Did I mention I’ve been on a chocolate kick lately? I can’t get enough of the stuff. Actually my chocolate cravings are pretty perpetual (thank you estrogen) but they’ve been especially bad lately. Gimme dat chocolate.

Marvelous is… mountain roads during sunset.

US 421 NC mountains sunset

This photo does the scene absolutely no justice, but it is an amazing sight. I think I’m actually going to miss the mountains a little come May. Flat land is just not as beautiful.

Marvelous is… Mediterranean food. Boone has an amazing restaurant scene, but we are severely lacking in the Mediterranean cuisine department. Good thing we have plenty at home so I can get my fix.

Jasmins mediterranean food

Oh pita points, why must you mock me?

Marvelous is… internship interviews. Actually, interviews are no fun at all, but I had a phone interview today for a potentially AMAZING internship, I’m not sure how the interview went because I didn’t actually do much talking, but keep your fingers crossed for me. I applied for this internship last year and didn’t get it so I’m hoping for a little redemption this year 🙂

Marvelous is… looking to get my Pilates certification! I’m loving teaching too much to stop after graduation. Right now, I’m looking at going the Balanced Body route, but if you guys know anything about Pilates certifications help a girl and give me your recommendations!

Marvelous is… the Yogalates class I’m teaching on Wednesday. It’s a Pilates/yoga fusion class and I’ve never taught anything like it before, but I get to be a little creative with it and should be a lot of fun.

yogalates promotional poster

Marvelous is… finally getting in a long run (8 miles!) after missing out for the past 2 weeks. Not-so-marvelous… the fact that it was on the treadmill and I tweaked something behind my knee 😦 boo hoo. Icing it like crazy and forcing myself to sit down and not irritate it, which is surprisingly easy and difficult all at the same time.

What made your Monday Marvelous?

Do you like Mediterranean food? I’m a huge fan but my boyfriend is not, crazy boy.

Mountains or beach?

14 Random Things for Thursday

  1. It’s sleeting outside, my favorite weather! Said no one EVER. Sorry mother nature but sleet is the most worthless weather ever, I do not enjoy ice falling from the sky.

  2. Sometimes if you come to my Pilates class, I’ll give you lollipops

    The organic kind with extra vitamin C, because I have to make you believe they’re healthy.

  3. I wish I had a kitty to snuggle with right now
    jenny cat
    This weekend I will! Homeward bound for my mom’s birthday.
  4. I’ve had the most intense craving for chocolate lately, I’ve been mixing cocoa powder into EVERYTHING but it is just not the same as a huge chocolate bar. I need to find one ASAP. Girl problems.
  5. I gave a speech about Scooby Doo in my public speaking class, did you know Scooby Doo’s real name is Scoobert Doo? He fancy.

  6. Speaking of Scooby Doo, I watched 2.5 episodes today while running on the treadmill, my favorite new way to pass the time. 5 miles in 55 minutes, I need things to warm up because treadmill runs are starting to push my sanity.
  7. This article made me squeal a little: De-Stressing Inspiration From Cats and Dogs So. Dang. CUTE.
  8. Mustaches with roommates:
    Of course mine was pink 🙂 Sometimes mustache parties happen on random Thursday nights, did I mention I love my roommates?
  9. Yessssssss

    Colonel Meow is my favorite, please check him out if you haven’t. Hi-larious.
  10. I got asparagus on sale for $1.49/lb, super produce sales for the win! Asparagus is usually $5/lb yeahhhhhh. Sorry, I get really excited about vegetable deals because they don’t happen often enough.
  11. I still owe you guys a post about Fit Expo, it’s coming I promise! I want to devote a real amount of time to writing it, time which is non-existent right now, soon!
  12. I have a friend who works at Disney World and she has gotten to meet Honey Boo Boo and her family AND Tina Fey. So jealous.
  13. The earring in my rook fell out today, which is weird because that’s never happened before, I have no idea where it went, but luckily when you have 10 ear piercings there are plenty to go around.

    Here’s a random close up picture from the day I got it done (3 years ago! Time for a new one! Just kidding dad, sorta).

  14. I don’t want to end this post with a picture of my ear or on an odd number (I’m an even number freak) so here’s another picture of a cat because that seems to be the theme tonight.

    Ohmygoodness. I can’t handle it.

Are you a Scooby Doo fan? What are your favorite cartoons?

Do you have any piercings? 4 in my right lobe, 3 in my left lobe, 2 in my left cartilage and my right rook, sounds like a lot but it doesn’t look to crazy… I think.

Are you a Colonel Meow or Grumpy Cat fan? You have to pick one, I’m team Colonel Meow AKA the best team (kidding but not really)

What I Ate… at Fit Expo {WIAW}

First off, I’d like to wish a very happy birthday to the best mom in the world.



I think she’s still younger at heart than I am. Love you mom!


This week has been CRAZY. I feel like I say that every week, but this week has really been extra crazy.

I went to the 2013 Southeast Collegiate Fitness Expo which was AMAZING and such a wonderful experience that it deserves it’s own recap, but I’ve been doing some major catch-up since I got back. 100% worth it but still no less crazy.

One of the best things about being on a trip with 9 group fitness instructors is that 2/3 of them are pescetarians, they all get the same crazy salad cravings, and no one bats an eyelash when I bust out a tupperware full of kale chips. Finally some people who share my intense love of vegetables!

The Fit Expo was in Norfolk and you’ll be happy to know that we took advantage of being in a big city and ate at Chipotle and Starbucks no less than two times. Boone, can you get it together and get a Chipotle? Please and thank you. Maybe it’s a good thing we don’t have one because I’m pretty sure 90% of my weekly budget (I have to buy coffee too you know) on Chipotle.

We left Boone Friday around 2, making a pit stop in Greensboro for Starbucks, NECESSARY when you’ve got a 6 hour car ride ahead of you.

It didn’t quite make it into a picture, but long car rides and limited sleep makes coffee extra delicious because it was gone in no time.

Lots of car snacks happened, lots and lots.

We finally got into Norfolk around 9:00pm and we were going to check out a local restaurant The Ten Top but they were closing, luckily there was a Chipotle across the street. Hey, I can’t complain about that!


Look at all that beautiful guacamole 🙂

Saturday began Clif bar extravaganza. Appstate recreation is sponsored by Clif bar so we brought along a HUGE box of mini-chocolate chip Clif bars. I don’t even want to talk about how many I ate.

Good thing they’re so tasty, because I’m pretty sure I ate at least 10. Eight hours of group fitness classes works up one SERIOUS appetite.

Lunch was provided for us but I didn’t even bother taking a picture because it sucked. Sorry, Old Dominion University. I had the vegetarian wrap (basically a tortilla with a few grilled veggies inside) an apple, and chocolate chip cookies. Actually it probably would have been a tasty lunch if I was a normal eater, but I was left the with just the wrap innards because my apple had a big crack in it. Vegetarians don’t need protein, not at all!

I sound a little bitter, whoops, sorry guys, I get a little hangry sometimes. I had a very tasty Peanut butter chocolate chip Larabar to make up for it. Peanut butter and chocolate fixes everything.

Good thing dinner made up for lunch. My boss grew up in Norfolk so she knew all the tasty local restaurants. At the end of day one we dragged our tired and very sore butts (literally, SO MANY SQUATS) to Pasha, a very delicious Turkish restaurant.

My boss wasn’t lying when she said this place was good. So many tasty options, and the menu labelled all the gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian restaurant. Basically I was in mediterranean restaurant heaven.

pasha vegetarian gluten-free kale hummus black bean wrap

I ended up ordering the Hummus, Kale and Black Bean Wrap – hummus, fresh, local kale, black bean & corn salad, vegan with organic ingredients

Ordered with a millet and flax gluten free wrap with a side of amazing lentil soup.

This meal was amazing, the lentil soup was hearty, well seasoned and DELICIOUS and the wrap was equally amazing. My only complaint was that because I ordered the gluten free wrap, my wrap was tiny (another girl ordered the same wrap with a regular tortilla and the wrap was significantly bigger) which was frustrating because one, I was hungry and hoping for something bigger and two, I had to pay extra for the wrap so it stinks that it was so much smaller.

There’s my hangry-ness popping up again.

Sunday consisted of more Clif bars (even more this time, I’m a mini-Clif bar eating machine!). The expo finished around 1 pm so we all grabbed some lunch at Tropical Smoothie Cafe before leaving Norfolk.

tropical smoothie cafe southwest salad no chicken

I had the Southwest salad minus the chicken and chipotle ranch, because we all know I can’t order anything as it is. The salad was pretty good and filled my veggie craving. I love Clif bars but sometimes you just need some veggies.

We also made a mandatory Starbucks stop before leaving town, of course.

The original plan was to power through the drive home, but we all got a little hungry and stopped for dinner in Winston-Salem. Time for Chipotle round two.

chipotle vegetarian salad

Okay, that’s the same picture again but just imagine it with pico de gallo this time because I ordered the same thing. Creature of habit right here.

The weekend was a delicious one but it feels good to get back to my normal eating. My mouth may love the taste of Clif bars, but my stomach doesn’t appreciate all the extra sugar and grains. Give this girl some veggies.

What did you do this weekend?

How do you fuel for a long day of working out?

What’s your favorite kind of bar? I love them all, but Larabars have to be one of my favorites!

PS. Don’t forget to enter my Blogiversary giveaway! You have until next Friday!

One Year Blogiversary! And My First Ever Giveaway!



Greens & Coffee Beans is officially one year old today!

The time has absolutely flown by and I can’t even believe it has been a year since I’ve started this little blog. Where has the time gone? I feel like so much has happened in the past year! Let’s take a look back shall we?


My first post ever! (can we all agree that first posts are the most awkward?)

I auditioned for my Pilates teaching job (and got it!)


Ran my first 8k!

Photo on 2012-03-03 at 18.57 #2

Made chocolate oatmeal protein pancakes with peanut butter topping which is my most popular recipe


Went hiking a lot.



Went gluten-free and my tummy was very happy about it!

Ran the Autism Speaks 5K

Turned 21!

Photo on 2012-04-16 at 11.56

And did some more hiking



Finished my Junior year of college and moved out of the dorms FOR GOOD

Ran a 4 mile Sticky Bun Run and my first 10K


Started my first internship

Went to the farmer’s market a bunch


I did lots of yoga

Ran the Race for the Cure 5K

My brothers graduated high school

high school graduates

I started Jamie Eason’s LiveFit Trainer, and got some muscles!

And had a few more trips to the farmer’s market.


I volunteered at a triathlon and found my grandmother’s peanut butter machine (in the same week! It was a good one)

Lost someone I went to middle school with

Went to the beach!


Watched the Olympics like a crazy person. Seriously, I watched every single sport.


I tried my first CrossFit class and almost joined the cult.

Went to the farmer’s market AGAIN (theme here?)


Moved into my first apartment

Started my senior year of college


I tried CrossFit again

Almost set the oven on fire


Learned how to eat healthy on a (small) college budget

Ran the Mayview Madness 5K (my legs still hurt thinking about that elevation!)

Checked out the Watauga County Farmer’s Market. More than once



Ran the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism 5K while home for fall break and got new running shoes!


Went to my senior homecoming game


Cooked up some pretty tasty chili


Threw a halloween party


And you guessed it, spent more time at the farmer’s market


My artwork was published in a book!

Celebrated Thanksgiving with my family and my 6th anniversary with my boyfriend



And had a Friendsgiving! Complete with cranberry sauce of course.


Ran the Black Saturday 5K


I became a Tribesports Ambassador!

Celebrated Christmas with my family


Ran The Gobbler 5K


Rang in the New Year

Had my last first day of school

Survived the Boone flood

Took a day trip to Asheville & had a French party!



Which brings us to February!

Giveaway Time

I’ve really enjoyed writing this blog for the past year and I really appreciate all you guys for reading. I thought I’d show my appreciated by hosting my first ever giveaway!

I want to put together a box of my favorite goodies for the winner. I don’t know what I’m going to put together yet, but I’m hoping to get some input from the winner, basically the prize is wide open!

To enter simply leave a comment telling my what you’d like to see on the blog, what would you like to see more or less of and would you make any changes? I’d love to get a little feedback!

For additional entries you can like Greens & Coffee Beans on Facebook, or follow me on twitter and tweet something about the giveaway, just make sure you tag me @coffeeandgreens. Just leave a comment telling me you did so.

Giveaway ends Friday May 1st! Be sure to enter, this is in appreciation of you guys!

What I Ate Wednesday… According to MyPlate {WIAW}

Hey guys, happy hump day!

This week has been more than a little crazy and I’m so excited for the weekend. Why? Because I’ll be here:

2013 southeastern collegiate fitness expo

The Southeastern Collegiate Fitness Expo! Eep! I’m so excited to go and learn tons of fitness-y things and take a million group fitness classes. Friday can’t come soon enough!

Back to the present…

(Thanks for hosting Jenn!)

This week’s What I Ate Wednesday is inspired by a recent article in the Huffington Post. The author Joe Satran, looking to clean up  his eating habits a bit, decided to tackle a week eating according to the MyPlate model promoted by the USDA.

myplate model

I personally am not a fan of the MyPlate model. I think the grain and dairy recommendations are too high and the fat allowances are relatively low. But all my nutritional knowledge comes from blogs and Google searches so I’m not really an authority on nutrition.

Since I eat pretty differently from a majority of the country (gluten-free vegetarians are a hard breed to find, maybe because we’re so difficult to feed), I wanted to see how a typical day for me compared to the MyPlate recommendations.

I created a profile, entering age, gender, height, weight and activity level to generate my daily recommendations. Then entered today’s food into their food tracker.

My Results

MyPlate food tracker results

MyPlate food tracker results

I think I failed on all fronts except for protein. Whoopsies. The saturated fat is much higher than normal because the day was a little heavy on coconut and eggs. Tasty, tasty.

The food tracker also includes a calorie count, but I didn’t want to post that because I feel like calorie talk can be triggering/controversial and I generally want to avoid that.

My Thoughts

On Dairy

I think if you’re really struggling with basic healthy eating, this could be a really helpful tool, but for myself I’m not a fan. One the recommended dairy level is a little crazy. 3 cups of dairy? I know my stomach can’t handle that much dairy, and those vegans and lactose intolerant folks seem to be getting along just fine. I realize that much of America is lacking in the calcium area, but there are plenty of other sources of calcium outside of dairy. I also think the model needs a greater emphasis on water consumption. There’s no hydration recommendation or encouragement to drink water, and water is a wee bit important.

Gimme some of dat H20.

On Fruits & Veggies

I don’t have too much to complain about here, other than I don’t like that you can go “over” on veggie consumption. In my opinion, the more veggies the merrier!

salad bar

More veggies please? Side note: getting behind me in the salad bar line is a horrible idea, you will wait for ever.

On Protein

I liked that MyPlate doesn’t have crazy protein recommendations like a lot of programs sometimes do. My protein consumption came out to about 48g today which was right on target with their recommendation. I also like that they have recommendations for plant-based protein sources as well as animal. As a vegetarian I get the protein question a lot so I’m glad they covered non-meat protein forms.

college tofu press

Oh you know, just pressing some tofu in my dorm room. Thank goodness I have a kitchen this year.

On Grains

My biggest issue with the MyPlate model was probably with grains. I know things like the Paleo diet have brought up the whole “grains are the devil” mentality. I have no qualms with healthy grains but personally I’ve noticed it’s more difficult for my body to digest. I’ve cut down on my grain consumption by a lot over the past couple weeks and I feel so much better, I have more energy than I have in a long time. But this is just me and my body, which brings me to a bigger point…


I think MyPlate is a really good guide if you’re starting from scratch. It gives you good guidelines and feedback to follow. But, I think if you’re already in a relatively healthy place with your diet, it’s better to listen to what your body wants. If eating dairy upsets your stomach, you shouldn’t eat 3 cups of it everyday. You are the best authority on your body, eat the things that make it feel good and limit the ones that don’t (unless you think diet coke and doritos make you body feel good, then maybe you should re-evaluate). And please drink some water.

almond butter love

My body loves chocolate almond butter, or at least my tongue does.

What do you think of the MyPlate?

What are your weekend plans?

Recipe For Keeping Your Sanity in a Blizzard

I’ve got a fun snow day recipe for you guys today. Sorry to those of you that live in warm climates because you can’t enjoy this fun recipe. Actually, I’m not sorry because I’m super jealous.

I really wish I could take credit for this recipe, but all credit goes to my brilliant neighbors (the same ones responsible for the awesome French party a couple weeks ago). Sometimes, spending a few too many weekends trapped in tiny college apartments can lead to some pretty genius ideas.

Kahlua Snow Cream

Oh you read that right. Finally a reason to look forward to snow days 🙂

kahlua snow cream


  • ~2 cups snow (watch out for yellow snow)
  • 1 shot Kahlua (Bailey’s would be delicious too!)
  • 1/4 cup milk (I used Almond/Coconut)
  • Cinnamon
  • Optional add ins: hot chocolate mix, chocolate syrup (see a trend), pretty much anything else delicious


  1. Combine all ingredients in a mug or glass.
  2. Stir, stir, stir
  3. Add more snow as needed, it condenses down a lot as you stir everything together, I ended up using twice as much snow as I thought I’d need.
  4. Adjust alcohol in proportion to snowfall, I think blizzards justify a second shot. Just saying.
  5. Enjoy responsibly and celebrate your snow day.

kahlua snow cream


Thrift store horse mugs are optional, but strongly recommended.

What’s your favorite snow day activity? Baking cookies. Inside. Where it’s warm.

A Case of the Mondays {MIMM}

Happy Monday!

(Thanks Katie! I’m loving the spruced up graphic)

I’m not going to lie I had a serious case of the Mondays. It was one of those days where I just wanted to curl up in bed, blow off all my obligations and take 8 naps in a row. Too bad I have silly things like classes to go and exams to take so that didn’t happen boo.

Okay, less complaining, more marvelous.

Marvelous is… exercise endorphins! Turned my stinky mood upside down, I only wish I had time to run sooner. I need to bring back morning workouts, except that 5am wake up calls are not happening anymore soooo… maybe not.

Marvelous is… Time at home! Weekends at home are just good for my sanity.

Marvelous is… Strawberries and chocolate fondue, courtesy of a Trader Joe’s trip (oh, Trader Joe, I have missed you more than you will ever know, so much so I went twice in one weekend)

strawberries and chocolate fondue

Chocolate + Strawberries needs to happen more often. I’m thinking once a night.

Marvelous is… Dinner out when the parentals are paying. Thanks guys 🙂 A trip to Sweet Tomatoes and Tijuana Flats happened. So dang delicious.

salad bar overachieving


Hellooooo salads. I don’t think I’m getting enough vegetables, I should really try harder.

Marvelous is… Birthday dinners (er, lunches) we met my brother in Chapel Hill for lunch at the Mediterranean Deli. Why is Mediterranean food so good? And why isn’t there more of it in Boone?

mediterranean deli lunch

I’m drooling all over again. Starting with the fruit and going clockwise we have fruit kabobs roasted veggies, eggplant and squash stew and avocado salad. Plus pita bread that was distributed to the rest of my family. The avocado salad is hiding under the pita, but there was like 2 whole avocados in that thing. Amazing.

Marvelous is… Cookie butter samples at Trader Joe’s. I might have walked past the sample table twice, and then made my mom grab me a third because I was too ashamed to go back a third time, but not enough to not make her do it for me. On an less marvelous note, the beer sampler thought I was 12, not quite. At least the beer was tasty.

trader joe's cookie butter

Gluten be damned. This stuff is amazing! Funny side note, while googling cookie butter images all the pictures that popped up were taken by food bloggers. They don’t joke around with their cookie butter.

Marvelous is… My kitty cats. I missed them, I don’t care if that makes me a crazy cat lady.

jenny cat

And Sam is doing really well, no large intestine means he can eat all the cat treats he wants which he is very excited about.


This photo was taken pre-surgery because his little belly is now bald. I think he’s praying it grows back soon.

Marvelous is… my completely immature sense of humor. I saw these instructions on a bag of steamable frozen vegetables

package directions

It says “gently massage package” if you can’t read it due to my wonderful high quality photography (my camera phone has a whole 3 pixels and I know you’re super jealous). I laughed at this way longer than I care to admit and way longer than is normal for a 21 year old girl.

Marvelous is… Midweek grocery runs.

eggs and runner's world

Organic eggs and the latest Runner’s World. You know, the essentials. Bonus is that the magazine was free because I wracked up enough loyalty program points at Earth Fare, yeahhhhh free stuff. My favorite.

What made your Monday Marvelous?

What did you do this weekend?

Do you have pets? What kind?