Tar Heel 10-Miler

Also known as “Holy cow I can’t believe I finished”.


I wasn’t sure this race was actually going to happen, after getting tendonitis and having to take a month off running, I was seriously concerned I wasn’t going to be able to run. I registered for this race in NOVEMBER and I’ve been working my mileage up ever since, I was going to do my best to run this race!

Photo on 2013-04-30 at 23.36

(Cue the obligatory selfie with my race bib – and how awesome is it that they gave us Boston stickers? Love to see the running community supporting each other)

Race morning started way too early. Like 5:15AM early. Ouch. Major props to my parents for waking up before the sun to cart me over to Chapel Hill and waiting on the course for 2 hours to cheer me on, they are some seriously awesome people! My mom actually bruised her hands from clapping so hard for all the runners, she’s going to have to pace herself for these longer races!

The race started up a little rough. Traffic going into Chapel Hill was HORRENDOUS. The pre-race e-mails warned us traffic might be bad, but it was BAD. The race was set to start at 7:30AM and at 6:50 we were still crawling through traffic a couple miles away while I was slowly freaking out about making it on time. It got to the point that I decided to just walk to the start line. Which turned into running to the starting line because I was seriously cutting close. Nothing like a 1-mile up hill warm up before a race right?

I saw lots of other runners booking it to the start line so I felt a little bit better about the situation. Luckily I made it with time to spare!


And hightailed it to the back of the crowds, definitely not trying to be speedy during this race. Speaking of speedy, the winner finished in 51:11. Holy cow. I can’t even comprehend that kind of speed.

The race started and ended in Kenan Stadium (UNC’s football stadium), which was pretty cool. It felt pretty awesome to run through the stadium to cross the finish line!

The weather was pretty perfect for running, in the 50s and a little overcast, couldn’t really ask for anything better.


The first couple miles went really smoothly, we circled around the stadium twice before heading through UNC’s campus. My parents were at the 1st and 2nd mile marker which gave me a huge boost to start with. I passed the 12:00 mile pace group after a quick bathroom trip at mile 2 and made it my goal to stay ahead of them. I told you I wasn’t trying for speedy.

Miles 4-6 got a little rough, my feet blister like crazy during long runs (anyone know how to fix this? I feel like I’ve tried everything new shoes, new socks, band-aids, turning socks inside out, lotion, nothing helps!) and I was starting to feel it at this point (gross? Maybe, but isn’t that why we read race recaps?).

I had half a PowerGel at mile 5 which helped a lot. I’ve never fueled during a run before but I new sugar would be necessary at this point. I could tell it helped me out, even if orange is not such a tasty flavor.

Miles 7-10 I got in the zone is was just determined to finished. I stopped for another half of a gel at mile 8 and chugged along to the finish.

Around mile 8.5 I hit the TOPO Challenge:


Laurel Hill is slightly less than a mile climb uphill, and awards were given to those who could get up the hill the fastest. The race promoters made a big deal about this hill, and I was slightly worried, but I shouldn’t have been, that hill was nothing. I walk up steeper hills to class! Perks of living in the mountains. Climbing hills is 1000 times easier at sea level. I made it to the top in 9:28!

I ended up finishing in 1:54:27 with an average mile time of 11:27. Not fast by any means, but I’m just proud I finished!

Tar Heel 10 Miler finisher medal 2013

How awesome are the finisher medals?

All in all, minus the traffic jam at the start, I absolutely loved this race! I would already be signed up for it for next year if I actually new where I’d be living/what I’d be doing next year.

Have you ever run a 10 mile race? Do you like the distance?

What races do you have on the calendar for this year?

A Feastival, Kittens and an Impending Graduation {MIMM}

Happy Monday! Today is my last week of class and that is pretty darn marvelous. A little terrifying, but mostly marvelous.

Speaking of marvelous:

(Thanks for hosting Katie!)

Marvelous is… getting my cap and gown today! I can’t believe graduation is so soon!

Marvelous is… Boone’s feastival, that’s right, FEASTival. Basically a festival showcasing healthy living in Boone, so right up my alley. They had lots of booths with everything from CSAs, bakeries, restaurants, all kinds of good stuff. There were lots of free samples which I’m always a fan of:


Kale salad from the Slow Foods booth. And EarthFare coupons!

smoothie sample

A smoothie sample (I have no idea what was in it but it was tasty) and an energy ball with honey, oats, chocolate chips and a few other things in it. Both were very delicious!

And the best part…

baby goat

Baby goats! I think it’d be fu to have one of these guys as a pet, minus the fact that they would try to eat everything I own, they seem pretty chill otherwise.

There were also food trucks, but un fortunately I didn’t end up getting anything. One truck, Vitality, looked especially delicious and was serving vegan food, but I ate beforehand and wasn’t hungry enough to justify a $7 rice and veggie plate. I’ll have to track them down again when I’m actually hungry!

Marvelous is… a super sweaty spin class this afternoon. It’s been a while, but my foot has been hurting ever since my 10-miler (seriously, I’m like a magnet for minor injuries lately, it’s getting old) so I tried to be smart and opt for something low impact. So. Much. Sweat. Hill sprints are straight up murder.

Marvelous is… potlucks with my Sunday school group.

caribbean black beans and rice

I brought black beans and rice. Someone brought the most delicious fudge-y brownies I have had in a LONG time. Holy cow were those things good. I had three, they weren’t gluten-free but it is 100% worth the stomach ache and headache I have today, they were that good.

I’m going to seriously miss this group after I graduate. The couple that leads the group are the sweetest people and so funny, they make me look forward to getting up early on Sundays.

Marvelous is… KITTENS. I think I spent a good 6 hours playing with them on Friday. I can’t even handle how adorable they are.


Marvelous is… registering for the Esprit De She 10K in Cary! I’m actually going to be an ambassador for the race, but more on that later.

Time for this girl to get to bed!

Are you a cat person or dog person? I’m non-discriminatory and like pretty much all four-legged mammals.

What types of food do you bring to potlucks? Usually I stick with desserts because everyone loves sugar, but sometimes I opt for healthier things too.

What was marvelous about your Monday?

Catch Up

I’ve missed you guys!

I’ve been MIA all week thanks to a pile of assignments from my lovely professors. They are actually lovely people. but all the exams, papers and speeches notsomuch.

Only 14 more days. I can do this. Sometimes I just need a reminder.

Well I have lots things to share, I gotta catch up! With a few random things thrown in here and there.

  • I ran the Tar Heel 10-Miler last Saturday and SURVIVED. Still riding a running high off that one. My recap is coming soon, since I actually have time to write one!

    Tar Heel 10 Miler finisher medal 2013
  • Post-race Mediterranean food is the best kind of Mediterranean food.

mediterranean deli vegetarian platter

  • Mid-week fro yo trips with the roommates make life better, especially when you’re neck deep in speech writing for a public speaking class. Much needed.sweet frog frozen yogurt
  • KITTENS. My neighbor’s brother took in two kittens a couple was giving away on the side of the highway (with a bunch of other animals like goats, seriously, this is where I live). They are 4 weeks old, adorable, and I’m glad they’re going to have a good home.kitten
    So stinking cute! And because you can never have enough tiny kitten pictures:


    I promise they don’t spend all day sleeping, it’s just the only time I can get a picture of them! They don’t like to sit still.

  • I’ve drunk an unbelievable amount of coffee in this past week. What is sleep? I don’t need that.
  • I ran a 5K on Saturday! Coffee themed funnily enough. Recap for that coming soon too. I have lots to catch up on!
  • I missed What I Ate Wednesday this week (boo!) so I’m making it up, here are some of the more fun things I’ve eaten this week:
    Plain Greek yogurt, almond meal, coconut and cinnamon.veggies2
    An attempt at zucchini noodles. I used a vegetable peeler for the zucchini strands and heated up onions, garlic, tomato and kale to go with it and topped the bowl with nutritional yeast. It was definitely a fun new way to try zucchini and it was surprisingly noodle like.veggies
    This bowl is basically identical to the one above it except the zucchini is chopped instead of in ribbons, the ribbons definitely make things way more exciting. As you can see, I like lots of variety in my diet.lentils
    Last night’s dinner of curried lentils following this Whole Foods recipe, but minus the yogurt and cashew topping and I subbed quinoa instead of brown rice. It ended up being really delicious and pretty easy to make.

    Black beans and coconut rice a la another Whole Foods recipe for lunch with my Sunday school group. Minus the red pepper and allspice because I didn’t have those.

    White sweet potatoes smothered in peanut butter and cinnamon. AKA snack heaven.
  • I’m on a huge egg binge right now, I’m seriously averaging like 6 a day and I would eat more, but I feel like 6+ eggs a day is completely ridiculous. I might have a little problem.
  • Today the potential new Pilates teachers auditioned for next year, it was so fun to help in the process! They’re all super talented so it’s going to be a really tough decision.
  • My honors cords came in the mail this week! What up Summa Cum Laude? Nerd Alert.
  • Tomorrow starts my last week of college classes. It doesn’t feel real, yet I’m excited to not have to write another paper for a longgggg time. Unless I decide to go to grad school.
  • My roommate made some spectacular lemon pound cake last night, it was not gluten-free and I ate lots of it so my guts are protesting today. It was so delicious though, cake is my downfall.

What did you do this weekend?

What’s the last race you ran (or plan to run)?

Who’s excited for summer? (This girl!)

Birthday Edition {WIAW}

Hey guys, I had a wonderful 22nd birthday yesterday! I woke up this morning with a serious sugar hangover, so you know it was a good one 🙂

But before we get to the food, let’s see how I did on my 21 before 22 list.

01 // Paint my fingernails. Half check. I started painting my fingernails one day and got through one hand before I decided I didn’t like the color. I was planning on repainting both hands a better color later on, but… that didn’t happen. I’m a terrible girly girl. I’m hoping to actually paint them soon, because this one-hand chipped nail polish look is not so cute.

02 // Run a 5K. Nope. I’ve run 5Ks on the treadmill so I can pretend that counts but I didn’t actually run in the race. BUT Appalachian is host a color run on the 27th that I’m planning to participate in for some race redemption.

03 // Make a REAL dinner.  CHECK. Double check. I made lots of homemade dinners over the past two weeks, even if I’m short on time, I’ve found making a real dinner at the end of the day is a great way to unwind, if I can hold off my hunger for that long.


04 // Studio yoga. Fail. I didn’t even make it to a class on campus. Sorry muscles for leaving you all tight and knotted up.

05// Start a new book. CHECKish. I just bought a new e-book today Effortless. It’s a moderately trashy romance novel, but that’s okay. I started reading Thoughtless, the first book in the series when it was just a story on Fiction Press so it’s kinda cool to see it in real life book form.

06 // Bake something.  CHECK. Hello birthday cake.


07 // Drink a shot of espresso. Didn’t happen, one day it will though.

08 // Spontaneous mid day coffee.  CHECK. I waited until my birthday to get it, but that’s okay, birthday coffees are extra tasty.


09 // Design something for the blog. Nope. I started something but I haven’t had the inspiration to finish. I’m going to keep working on it though.

10 // Buy a new vegetable. Kinda? I didn’t buy a new vegetable, but I bought some eggplant after not eating any in a long time and I’ve incorporated it into lots of meals, that kinda counts right?

roasted eggplant and sweet potato

11 // Juice it up. I didn’t break out my own juicer, but I did buy one from Earth Fare the other day. It was very beet-ilicious and now my pee is hot pink? TMI? Maybe, but oh so true.


12 // Break out the DSLR. CHECK. Thanks to a few hikes!

glen burney trail waterfall blowing rock nc


13 // Grandfather Mountain dollar days. Not yet, but I’ve got plans to go with some friends in two weekends!

14 // Clean my room.  Bam. Now to work on keeping it clean…

15 // Best Body Bootcamp.  CHECK. And loving every single workout.

16 // Kick this tendonitis.  CHECKish. I still have a little soreness, but I finished a 6 mile run today with almost no pain so I’m thinking it’s almost gone!

17 // Random act of kindness for a stranger.  CHECK. I left $5 for a stranger on a table in the campus coffee shop. Hopefully someone found it and enjoyed a much needed coffee or snack.



18 // Watch a Disney movie. an unintentional CHECK. I was hoping to watch something along the lines of the Lion King, but that didn’t happen because I couldn’t manage to sit still long enough. But I did watch the better part of the Hanna Montana Movie one afternoon on TV. Don’t you judge.

19 // Buy a new candle. CHECK. Now I just need a holder for it… didn’t think about that one.

20 // Get organized. My homework to do list could use a little attention but I spent one weekend deep cleaning my apartment kitchen, straightening up the living room and organizing my room. See mom and dad, I do know how to clean 🙂

21 // Have Fun.  One big fat CHECK.

14 out of 21, I’ll take it.

Now for the food!


(Thanks Jenn!)


Birthday fro-yo! Peanut butter, cake batter and brownie batter yogurt with cheesecake bits, cookie dough chunks, sprinkles, dark chocolate, oreos, Reeses, peanut butter sauce and sprinkles. Don’t be fooled though, this bowl was pretty gross. The brownie batter flavor was gross (I know how is that possible? So disappointing!), the peanut butter flavor wasn’t frozen (I don’t even know how that works) and the cake batter flavor wasn’t bad, just a little too sweet for my taste buds. Luckily I had some un-pictured fro yo redemption in the form of tart yogurt with strawberries and blueberries. That’s what I get for trying to be fancy, I should just stick to the basics, at least I know they’re delicious.


Just kidding! I didn’t eat this cake, but how creepy does it look? It’s supposed to be a puppy but it just scares me.


TACO TUESDAY. Boone Saloon does $1.25 tacos every Tuesday, this was my first time going to taco Tuesday but I will be back! I had three delicious veggie tacos and a pint of beer for $7, can’t beat that!

My roommate and I split a hard apple cider while watching the most recent Twilight movie (stop judging me). It was a delicious choice, I was looking for something a little lighter than beer and this hit the spot.

And some where in there I polished off a bag of gluten-free ginger snap cookies my friend bought me for my birthday. I have zero control around those things. ZERO.


This isn’t from yesterday, but I had this delicious meal Saturday at Mellow Mushroom and I couldn’t not mention it. Stuffed portobello mushrooms with feta and mozzarella cheese, artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes, served over spring mix and drizzled with balsamic. So. Good.

What’s your favorite birthday treat? I think frozen yogurt/ice cream is a birthday necessity

What’s the last delicious thing you ate?

Soft or hard shell tacos?

Rednecks & Kitty Cats {MIMM}

Before we get to the marvelous in my Monday, I have to take a minute to address something that is not-so-marvelous.

My heart goes out to all the people that were hurt or otherwise impacted by what happened today in Boston. Although what happened today was horrible, I have to say it’s pretty marvelous to see the running community come together to support one another at a time like this.

(Happy birthday Katie!)

Marvelous is… My 22nd birthday is tomorrow! Actually it’s in 1.5 hours, I came in to the world bright and early at 12:30 AM.

Marvelous is… Joint birthday parties! My friend’s birthday is Friday so we had a joint party over the weekend. The theme? Rednecks and cats. No joke, we are a creative bunch.


The rednecks.


NASCAR-themed temporary tattoos may have been involved.


Along with prop 40s you couldn’t convince any of us to drink. We try to keep it classy.

Cats were not well represented because cat apparel does not exist after Halloween, I did rock some Hello Kitty rings.


Try not to be too jealous.

Marvelous is… beautiful weather and weekend hikes. A very muddy, but fun 5 miles.



I wish I had taken more pictures, but I was worried about my camera landing in a pile of mud, which isn’t really ideal.

We did the Boone Fork Trail Loop, which is right off the Blue Ridge Parkway, the trail is the perfect combination of beautiful views, uphill climbs and creek hopping. My buns were on FIRE by the end, so worth it though.

Marvelous is… birthday cake.



I used Betty Crocker’s gluten-free yellow cake mix for the base, and because we all know I can’t just leave things be, I added a 1/4 cup of peanut butter to the mix which was a very delicious choice. The frosting is just Cool Whip with cocoa powder and cinnamon mixed in. Easy, cheap, and trans-fat free. I can get behind that.

I made my own, which my friends thought was really sad I made my own cake (they did offer to make one for me, I’m just stubborn), but since I love to bake I actually really enjoyed it. Lame? Maybe, but I got to lick the bowl which was more than worth it.

And the gluten-filled cake for the gluten-eaters:


My friend did a pretty impressive job on the decoration! I definitely scraped off the cat so I could eat it myself 🙂

Plus a few other party foods:


Gluten-free brownies. AND my favorite part:


Beer floats. Well, A beer float, no one else was feeling quite so adventurous but you better believe I went there. The combo was actually pretty tasty.

Marvelous is… Engagements!


These two got engaged on Saturday! I’m so excited for them! Plus the ring really offsets her new dragon tattoo.

Marvelous is… Sunday school cookouts! We got together at our small groups leader’s house and had a delicious lunch. The carnivores had barbecue chicken sandwiches, but they were nice enough to cook up a few veggie burgers for me and the other vegetarian in the group. I didn’t take any pictures but it was a good time!

Marvelous is… look-a-like clay figurines. The couple that leads our small group has a very artsy 10 year old daughter and she made us all figurines that look like us.


That little girls is seriously talented! My figurine is only about 1.5″ tall and the detail is pretty awesome. I’m adding it to the collection of drawing she’s made for me over the past few Sundays!

Marvelous is… Best Body Bootcamp Phase Two! I’m already sore from today’s workout! I’m already looking forward to the rest of the week’s workouts!

Marvelous is… 5 days until the Tar Heel 10-miler! Eep! I’m both super nervous and super excited!

What made your Monday Marvelous?

Are you a fan of themed parties? What’s the most ridiculous theme party you’ve ever been to?

What’s your favorite flavor of cake? I’m not sure that there’s a flavor of cake I don’t like, but red velvet and carrot cake are pretty high up there! Peanut butter and chocolate is always a winner too 🙂

Product Loving

First off, shot out to Luna Bar for being the most awesome company ever!

They sent me a hand-written card and a free Chocolate Dipped Coconut Luna Bar, talk about some serious customer service.

chocolate dipped coconut luna bar

So sweet!

And now for some food reviews:

go free carrot cake bar vanilla almond vega smoothie


NuGo Free Carrot Cake Protein Bar // I picked this guy up at Whole Foods when I was home for Easter, I was originally going to reach for a Luna or Clif bar but I decided to try something fun and new. This bar was pretty good, it’s made with puffed rice, which I wasn’t expecting, I was hoping for a heavy duty protein bar (it is a pretty good size) but it was a little lighter. The texture was a little funky, the puffed rice isn’t as crispy as it is in something like a Luna Bar. The flavor was really good though, very spicy and cinnamon-y, not a lot of carrot flavor going on but still delicious.

Vega Vanilla Almondilla Smoothie // This was also an Easter weekend Whole Foods purchase, it was on sale for $1.50 so I couldn’t help myself. The shake was really good, and green! I mixed the packet with a cup of sunflower milk and drank it for a snack in between classes and it made for a really great pick-me-up.


In a recycled coconut oil jar of course. The portability factor is pretty awesome. My only complaint is that it was pretty sweet for my taste buds, probably because it was sweetened with stevia, which I don’t typically eat or use. This smoothie also smells exactly like Jergen’s Cherry Almond hand soap.

simple bars


Perfectly Simple Cranberry Almond Bar // Another sale impulse buy, this one is thanks to good old Target. For $0.69 I couldn’t not try it out. This bar is kinda like Zone Perfect’s version of a Larabar, and can I just say that I love that brands that usually make super processed protein bars are starting to add more natural products to their brand?

It pretty much tasted like a Larabar, but a little drier because it has some protein powder added. The texture is pretty similar to Pure bars. Not to mention it tasted good, the tang from the cranberries helped balanced out the sweetness from the dates and the almonds gave the bar a nice crunch. I really liked this bar, the ingredients are simple, there’s some added protein, and it’s affordable.

spiru-tein chocolate protein powder


Spiru-tein Chocolate Protein Powder // I’m on a big protein shake lately, they’re easy to carry to class and pretty filling. They’ve also made me simultaneously too lazy to want to pack a real lunch.

Spiru-tein’s chocolate is a winner, I also mixed it with sunflower milk for a mid-day snack. It didn’t blend too well, but in their defense they recommended mixing the packet with cold milk and mine was sitting in my book bag for a couple hours so it was only slightly cold. I also don’t have a fancy blender bottle, which probably would have worked better. It didn’t matter though because it was DELICIOUS. It tasted like chocolate milk, mmm…

Can you believe Spiru-tein also has cappuccino, cookie dough AND red velvet flavored protein powders!? I need to get those in my life soon!

ginger chews


Ginger People Original Ginger Chews // I’m a ginger lover and these did not disappoint. Me and my old lady self absolutely loved these guys. The candies were not to sweet and had a pretty good kick. They were really chewy, so I had to suck on the candy more than chew it in order to keep my teeth intact, but that only made them last longer. I will definitely be getting these again, if you love ginger as much as I do (or even a little less) you should add these to your candy stash!

What are some products you’re loving lately?

What protein powder do you use/recommend? I’m on the hunt for a tasty/affordable one.

What’s you’re favorite snack?

Healthy Homemade Dinners {WIAW}

Happy Wednesday!

I have to let my inner dance geek out for a second because this morning in my Dance History class we got to watch Alvin Ailey’s Revelations. Alvin Ailey is an AMAZING modern dance choreographer and Revelations gives me chills every time I watch it.


A much better way to start the morning than Bizarre Foods. By a million.

I also had a nice 4 mile run after my Best Body Bootcamp workshop. My tendon is still hating me a little, but things are slowlyyyy getting better. I think I’ll be spending lots of time getting EMS therapy at the injury clinic this week. Gotta soak up all that free-ness while I still can.

I can already tell my muscles are going to be SORE in the morning. I secretly love that.

And because it’s Wednesday…

(Thanks Jenn!)

Remember one of the goals on my 21 before 22 list was to make a real dinner because I’ve been relying on eggs and frozen veggies way too much lately. Well apparently that goal set me on a dinner making roll. My meals are by no means elaborate, but I’ve taken time to cook dinner everyday this week, which is a major accomplishment.

This Wednesday I thought I’d share some of those dinners with you (even though you got a glimpse of them the other day!). Just a warning, I’m on a big eggplant kick lately.

vegetarian dinner

Roasted sweet potatoes, spinach, onions and tomato, with a side of eggplant.

kale salad

Kale, mushrooms, roasted sweet potatoes and eggplants.

kale salad

Kale, sweet potatoes and lots of curry powder!

roasted eggplant and sweet potato

Roasted eggplant and sweet potato


Sauteed spinach, sweet potatoes, broccoli (okay the broccoli was frozen, but so cheap!) and tempeh.


And tonight’s dinner! Sauteed eggplant (I told you I’m on a kick!), mushrooms, onions, garlic and roma tomatoes over a bed of kale. Yummy.

My dinners seem a little light and lacking in the protein department, but I snack a lot through out the afternoon to power through class so I’m all about light meals when dinner time rolls around.

And time for a few snacks!


Air-popped popcorn with coconut oil and cinnamon. That was a mixing bowl full of popcorn and I ate every last kernel. So. Good.

protein cake

Microwave protein cake. 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder, 3 tbsp egg whites and a little (actually a lot) of cinnamon. Came out a little dry and chewy but noting a little peanut butter can’t fix 🙂

Do you usually cook dinner from scratch? Or do you rely on convenience foods? Or both?

What’s you’re go-to dinner on busy nights?

Do you like eggplant? What’s your favorite way to cook it?

Week 2 BBBC Goals

Today has been an interesting day. Mostly because my 8AM class started of like this:

twitter feed

I watched the man eat a guinea pig, A GUINEA PIG. WHY. Actually, I didn’t watch it happen I glued my eyes to my laptop in an attempt to not puke or cry. Each would have been equally embarrassing.

Oh it gets better.

twitter feed

FYI my 8AM is a Leadership in Technology class, I’m pretty sure that has nothing to do with eating bull reproductive parts. Unless I skipped that section of the syllabus.

What a great way to start of the morning. Or something.

(Shameless self-promotion: you can follow me on twitter @coffeeandgreens)

Best Body Bootcamp Goals Week 2

Monday started week 2 of Best Body Bootcamp, which I’m absolutely loving – my muscles hurt so good and it’s actually making me enjoy strength training again, miraculous.

Best Body Bootcamp

Last weeks goals actually went pretty well. Tina has a check-in sheet for us to check off daily if we achieved our goals, typing in that little ‘x’ gives me enough satisfaction to try really hard to achieve my goals everyday. Who knew a little ‘x’ was all it took?

  • Stretching – I was really good about this one, I think I only missed one day. Stretching is pretty ingrained in me after so many years of dance, as long as I remember to do it I’m pretty good about it.
  • Sleep – I’m making progress! There were a 5 and 6 hour night that were not so great, but I made a much better effort at actually trying to get enough sleep. But sometimes procrastination happens and you are up until 1:00AM writing a speech for your public speaking class. Whoops.

A new week means new(ish) goals:

  • Drink 60 oz of water everyday – I suck at drinking water. I don’t hold a lot of liquid and I hate having to get up every 20 minutes to pee, but I definitely see a huge difference in my workouts and energy when I’m well hydrated. I know 64 oz is usually the norm for water goals but I have my trusty 30 oz Eddie Bauer water bottle, so I’m aiming to drink two of those everyday. So far so good, and my bladder is getting a nice workout.
  • Sleep – okay this one isn’t new, but it’s something I really need to work on so I’m giving it a second week, actually I’m giving it the whole month but I think I’ll add a different goal next week. I’ve been so much better about it this past week, I’m just hoping to keep it up!

How do you stay motivated towards achieving your goals?

Are you a Bizarre Foods fan? What’s the weird thing you’ve ever eaten? I eat a lot of weird combinations on a regular basis, but nothing that comes close to bull testicles or guinea pigs.

Spring Time {MIMM}

Happy Monday!

Can I just say that there’s nothing more wonderful thank waking up to beautiful, sunny, 65 degree weather on a Monday morning? Talk about starting the week off right.

(Thanks Katie!)

Marvelous is… Art crawl. Lots of good art, lots of good food. Not to mention I got a free handmade cup from a gallery featuring clay pieces, I’m actually drinking coffee out of it right now (of course!).

handmade clay cup

Marvelous is… drinks with friends on a Friday night.  I’m not your typical party-obsessed college student, and I prefer quieter nights with friends than a wild and crazy party, but sometimes a little bar hopping is necessary to your college experience.


The bartender convinced my friend that the 32oz beer was a much better deal than the pint, which it was, it was also the size of her freaking head (don’t worry mom and dad, mine’s the normal sized beer in the bottom of the picture).


Shots, shots, shots!

I asked the bartender for the least-sweet shooter they had, and I’m pretty sure he lied because it tasted like straight up limeade. Bummer. I got drink redemption with a Jim Bean on the rocks later on in the night. I’m such an old man, I don’t play with that fruity stuff.

Marvelous is… this freaking dessert:

cinnamon sensation macados

A cinnamon roll the size of my face topped with vanilla ice cream. Whattttt. So. Good. I’m pretty sure the restaurant pumps the smell of cinnamon into every corner of the restaurant to make you want to order one of these bad boys. Sometimes a little gluten is worth it.

Marvelous is… hiking trips with fellow group fitness instructors!

glen burney trail waterfall blowing rock nc

glen burney trail waterfall blowing rock nc

We had plans to go to Hawksbill Mountain in Morganton, but only 4 of us were able to make it so we stayed closer to Boone and tried the Glen Burney trail in Blowing Rock. I’ve done the hike once before and it’s a nice little hidden gem in Blowing Rock. The hike is about 1.5 miles ending at a super gorgeous waterfall. It’s quite the workout because you hike down to the waterfall, which means the return hike is uphill the entire way. My booty got a serious workout on the way back!


All four of us! I promise I’m not that short, the rock we were on was slanted.

Marvelous is… taking time to cook a REAL dinner. Or as real as a college dinner for one can be. I’ve been in an eggs + frozen veggie rut and it feels good to get creative in the kitchen again!

kale salad

Kale salad with lacinato kale (my first time trying it and I think I like it better than curly kale, it tastes less grass-y), baby portobella mushrooms, roasted sweet potatoes and eggplant, lemon juice, garlic, curry powder, cumin, salt, pepper and that last couple drops of my bottle of Bragg’s liquid aminos. So fresh and clean tasting.

kale salad

Kale, sweet potato, curry powder, and apple cider vinegar

roasted eggplant and sweet potato

Roasted eggplant and sweet potatoes (I think I see a theme happening…)

vegetarian dinner

Cinnamon and curry roasted sweet potatoes, sauteed spinach with onion and tomato, with sauteed sliced eggplant on the side.

Not much protein happening here, but dinner’s usually finished up with a cup of greek yogurt to balance things out.

Marvelous is… today’s special guest lecturer in my Dance History class. He came to talk with us about the history of musical theatre and he was quite the character. He would randomly start singing parts of the lecture and danced through half of it as well. I imagine if Mr. Rogers had a doctorate in Dance History and gave college lectures, it would go something like that. He was quite the character.

Oh Mr Rogers, I still miss you dearly.

We also watched a Broadway documentary narrated by Julie Andrews, everything with Julie Andrews is marvelous. Everything.

Marvelous is… SPRING WEATHER. In Boone. FINALLY! It felt amazing to walk out the door this morning and not have to grab a jacket.

I love beautiful days in Boone because all the hippies, slack-liners, and puppies come out. Not to mention Boone is absolutely gorgeous when the weather decides to cooperate, there’s no better place to be.

What made your Monday marvelous?

Do you like hiking? Where are your favorite places to hike?

What’s you’re favorite thing about spring? Flowers, beautiful weather and my birthday!

Sauteed Coconut Apples

You know the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well I keep the doctors very far away because I eat apples like they’re going out of style. Seriously, 2-3 a day everyday.

Apples are crisp and refreshing and one deliciously healthy afternoon snack. Even though apples are absolutely perfect on their own, sometimes you gotta jazz things up a little 🙂

Sauteed Coconut Apples

(Vegan, Gluten-Free)

sauteed coconut apples


  • 1 apple sliced (I used golden delicious because they’re my favorite, but use what you like)
  • 2-3 tsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla (but if you’re a vanilla lover like me, you can bump it up to 1 tsp)
  • Pumpkin pie spice, to taste


  1. In a small pan over medium heat, heat coconut oil until melted
  2. Add apple slices, stirring occasionally until apples start to soften
  3. Sprinkle in shredded coconut, vanilla and pumpkin pie spice, stirring until coconut is lightly browned.
  4. Serve!

Makes 1 snack-sized serving

sauteed coconut apples


Watch yo’ self owl, I fight you for those.


Do you like apples?

What’s your favorite type of apple? I’m a die-hard golden delicious fan, but MacIntosh is a close second