Pretty Marvelous for a Monday {MIMM}

Four day weekends need to start happening every weekend. Three day school/work weeks? I can roll with that.

(Thanks Katie!)

Mondays are pretty marvelous when they don’t involve any responsibilities. Can this happen more often?

Marvelous is… lots of good coffee.

caribou coffee larry's beans

Caribou and Larry’s Beans. Basically the epitome of coffee glory.

I’m going to get design nerdy for a second and confess my love for Caribou Coffee’s new branding and marketing. The design is 100x better than their previous design and such a neat concept. I’m also loving the new logo and the fact they hid a coffee bean in the moose.

Marvelous is… browsing Barnes & Noble on rainy days, and snagging some fun reads.

barnes and noble books runner's world pilates anatomy

So excited to get my anatomy learning on! I don’t care how nerdy that sounds.

Marvelous is… spending the afternoon browsing Whole Foods and REI. They finally built an REI in my town earlier this year and I just now got the chance to go. I spent a good 20 minutes lusting over beautiful new workout clothes I can’t afford. One day…

Marvelous is… optimistic purchases.

running fuel honey stingers and clif shot gel

Despite this tendonitis, I’m still hopeful a spring half marathon is going to happen (fingers crossed!). I haven’t experimented with mid-run fueling and the honey stingers were on sale so I picked up a pack along with Clif Shot gel. Let’s hope I get to use them!

Marvelous is… Best Body Bootcamp. Today was the first day and the workout was awesome. A full body strength workout that made my muscles cry a little. Love it. And I’m already learning lots of new exercises that I’m excited to incorporate into my routine even when bootcamp is over.

Marvelous is… progress on my research paper. 2/10 pages done! Too bad it’s due Wednesday. Ah procrastination, we meet again.

Marvelous is… sushi. Enough said.

avocado cucumber sushi roll

Bonus of being a vegetarian? I’m not sketched out by cheap sushi. $3.50 for that sucker.

Marvelous is… Mediterranean food! Dropping my brother off at college means another lunch at the Mediterranean Deli, and I am not complaining one bit. So. Dang. Good.

mediterranean food


Clockwise starting under the pita: Eggplant and squash stew (so good), sauteed eggplant and grilled veggies.

I’m sure there are plenty of other really delicious restaurants in Chapel Hill that we are missing out on, but I don’t even care because the food here is that good. Plus they have gluten-free pita bread and I don’t think there is much that beats that.

Marvelous is… that kitty in the window.

chapel hill bookstore cat

Marvelous is… running! I did 2 very cautious and slow miles on the treadmill today. There’s still a little pain but my knee is feeling much better. I’m hoping to slowly work my mileage back up (with lots of rest, ice, anti-inflammatories, stretching and EMS therapy) over the next couple weeks. I’ve still got my eyes on the Tar Heel 10-miler in 3 weeks, but I’m taking things one step at a time. I’m not about to get re-injured.

Marvelous is… old lady Easter candy.

ginger chews


I stopped getting an Easter basket a long time ago (though I still ask for one every year because I’m just a kid in a 21 year old’s body) my brother and I pestered my mom into buying us some candy at Trader Joe’s. I think it officially means I’m old when this is the candy I pick out. And the bag is empty because I finished it in 2 days. You could say I like ginger a little bit.

Marvelous is… spring time temperatures and flowers. Please don’t go away!



Marvelous is… spending home quality time with the family. I don’t think I’ll ever stop enjoying that.

What made your Monday marvelous?

Do you like sushi? I love it but my mom isn’t a fan, she says it needs more ketchup 🙂

Do you still get an Easter basket? Or do you give them? 

Oh Monday {MIMM}

Oh Mondays, why are you so cruel?

You’re screeching alarm is such a rude awakening after a rejuvenating weekend. Can we make a deal where we just skip to Friday? I can get on board with that?

No? Okay, I’ll stop complaining, after all sometimes Mondays can be a little Marvelous… or something like that.

(Thanks Katie!)

Marvelous is… semi-spontaneous trips home. After being out of town the past two weeks, I was planning on actually spending a weekend in Boone, but Thursday night I decided to head home and celebrate my mom’s birthday and it was exactly what I needed.

Marvelous is… kitty snuggles

jenny cat

Full on crazy cat lady status and I’m not even ashamed about it. Cats make life better.

Marvelous is… applying for graduation and ordering my cap and gown last week! Holy cannoli, where did the time go? I’m pretty sure yesterday I was just a little freshman living it up in the dorms. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for the real world.

high school friends graduation

High school pictures are so awkward. I can’t believe this was four years ago!

Marvelous is… Saturday morning pancakes. I haven’t made pancakes in FOREVER and they need to happen much, much more often. Nothing says happy Saturday like a stack of pancakes.

gluten free strawberry pancakes

The pancakes are 1 small banana, 1 egg and 2 tsp mashed together until smooth and cooked in a grease pan like a regular pancake. How an egg and banana create such a fluffy pancake is magic I don’t even understand, but I do know they will be on regular rotation from now on.

Speaking of pancakes, want to see something gross? Of course you don’t but I’m showing you anyway.

chocolate pancake fail

That would be probably the most epic pancake fail you will ever witness. Almond meal, flax meal, cocoa powder and almond milk do not combine into a delicious pancake, instead they combine into one shitty looking (literally) mess that tastes like nothing. But I topped it with a little vanilla frosting and ate it anyway. Frosting makes everything better.

Marvelous is… a cocoa powder dessert that isn’t a complete failure:

cocoa powder peanut butter sweet potato healthy dessert

A sweet potato topped with peanut butter, cocoa powder, cinnamon and a tiny sprinkle of salt. Did I mention I’ve been on a chocolate kick lately? I can’t get enough of the stuff. Actually my chocolate cravings are pretty perpetual (thank you estrogen) but they’ve been especially bad lately. Gimme dat chocolate.

Marvelous is… mountain roads during sunset.

US 421 NC mountains sunset

This photo does the scene absolutely no justice, but it is an amazing sight. I think I’m actually going to miss the mountains a little come May. Flat land is just not as beautiful.

Marvelous is… Mediterranean food. Boone has an amazing restaurant scene, but we are severely lacking in the Mediterranean cuisine department. Good thing we have plenty at home so I can get my fix.

Jasmins mediterranean food

Oh pita points, why must you mock me?

Marvelous is… internship interviews. Actually, interviews are no fun at all, but I had a phone interview today for a potentially AMAZING internship, I’m not sure how the interview went because I didn’t actually do much talking, but keep your fingers crossed for me. I applied for this internship last year and didn’t get it so I’m hoping for a little redemption this year 🙂

Marvelous is… looking to get my Pilates certification! I’m loving teaching too much to stop after graduation. Right now, I’m looking at going the Balanced Body route, but if you guys know anything about Pilates certifications help a girl and give me your recommendations!

Marvelous is… the Yogalates class I’m teaching on Wednesday. It’s a Pilates/yoga fusion class and I’ve never taught anything like it before, but I get to be a little creative with it and should be a lot of fun.

yogalates promotional poster

Marvelous is… finally getting in a long run (8 miles!) after missing out for the past 2 weeks. Not-so-marvelous… the fact that it was on the treadmill and I tweaked something behind my knee 😦 boo hoo. Icing it like crazy and forcing myself to sit down and not irritate it, which is surprisingly easy and difficult all at the same time.

What made your Monday Marvelous?

Do you like Mediterranean food? I’m a huge fan but my boyfriend is not, crazy boy.

Mountains or beach?

What I Ate… at Fit Expo {WIAW}

First off, I’d like to wish a very happy birthday to the best mom in the world.



I think she’s still younger at heart than I am. Love you mom!


This week has been CRAZY. I feel like I say that every week, but this week has really been extra crazy.

I went to the 2013 Southeast Collegiate Fitness Expo which was AMAZING and such a wonderful experience that it deserves it’s own recap, but I’ve been doing some major catch-up since I got back. 100% worth it but still no less crazy.

One of the best things about being on a trip with 9 group fitness instructors is that 2/3 of them are pescetarians, they all get the same crazy salad cravings, and no one bats an eyelash when I bust out a tupperware full of kale chips. Finally some people who share my intense love of vegetables!

The Fit Expo was in Norfolk and you’ll be happy to know that we took advantage of being in a big city and ate at Chipotle and Starbucks no less than two times. Boone, can you get it together and get a Chipotle? Please and thank you. Maybe it’s a good thing we don’t have one because I’m pretty sure 90% of my weekly budget (I have to buy coffee too you know) on Chipotle.

We left Boone Friday around 2, making a pit stop in Greensboro for Starbucks, NECESSARY when you’ve got a 6 hour car ride ahead of you.

It didn’t quite make it into a picture, but long car rides and limited sleep makes coffee extra delicious because it was gone in no time.

Lots of car snacks happened, lots and lots.

We finally got into Norfolk around 9:00pm and we were going to check out a local restaurant The Ten Top but they were closing, luckily there was a Chipotle across the street. Hey, I can’t complain about that!


Look at all that beautiful guacamole 🙂

Saturday began Clif bar extravaganza. Appstate recreation is sponsored by Clif bar so we brought along a HUGE box of mini-chocolate chip Clif bars. I don’t even want to talk about how many I ate.

Good thing they’re so tasty, because I’m pretty sure I ate at least 10. Eight hours of group fitness classes works up one SERIOUS appetite.

Lunch was provided for us but I didn’t even bother taking a picture because it sucked. Sorry, Old Dominion University. I had the vegetarian wrap (basically a tortilla with a few grilled veggies inside) an apple, and chocolate chip cookies. Actually it probably would have been a tasty lunch if I was a normal eater, but I was left the with just the wrap innards because my apple had a big crack in it. Vegetarians don’t need protein, not at all!

I sound a little bitter, whoops, sorry guys, I get a little hangry sometimes. I had a very tasty Peanut butter chocolate chip Larabar to make up for it. Peanut butter and chocolate fixes everything.

Good thing dinner made up for lunch. My boss grew up in Norfolk so she knew all the tasty local restaurants. At the end of day one we dragged our tired and very sore butts (literally, SO MANY SQUATS) to Pasha, a very delicious Turkish restaurant.

My boss wasn’t lying when she said this place was good. So many tasty options, and the menu labelled all the gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian restaurant. Basically I was in mediterranean restaurant heaven.

pasha vegetarian gluten-free kale hummus black bean wrap

I ended up ordering the Hummus, Kale and Black Bean Wrap – hummus, fresh, local kale, black bean & corn salad, vegan with organic ingredients

Ordered with a millet and flax gluten free wrap with a side of amazing lentil soup.

This meal was amazing, the lentil soup was hearty, well seasoned and DELICIOUS and the wrap was equally amazing. My only complaint was that because I ordered the gluten free wrap, my wrap was tiny (another girl ordered the same wrap with a regular tortilla and the wrap was significantly bigger) which was frustrating because one, I was hungry and hoping for something bigger and two, I had to pay extra for the wrap so it stinks that it was so much smaller.

There’s my hangry-ness popping up again.

Sunday consisted of more Clif bars (even more this time, I’m a mini-Clif bar eating machine!). The expo finished around 1 pm so we all grabbed some lunch at Tropical Smoothie Cafe before leaving Norfolk.

tropical smoothie cafe southwest salad no chicken

I had the Southwest salad minus the chicken and chipotle ranch, because we all know I can’t order anything as it is. The salad was pretty good and filled my veggie craving. I love Clif bars but sometimes you just need some veggies.

We also made a mandatory Starbucks stop before leaving town, of course.

The original plan was to power through the drive home, but we all got a little hungry and stopped for dinner in Winston-Salem. Time for Chipotle round two.

chipotle vegetarian salad

Okay, that’s the same picture again but just imagine it with pico de gallo this time because I ordered the same thing. Creature of habit right here.

The weekend was a delicious one but it feels good to get back to my normal eating. My mouth may love the taste of Clif bars, but my stomach doesn’t appreciate all the extra sugar and grains. Give this girl some veggies.

What did you do this weekend?

How do you fuel for a long day of working out?

What’s your favorite kind of bar? I love them all, but Larabars have to be one of my favorites!

PS. Don’t forget to enter my Blogiversary giveaway! You have until next Friday!

Beach Please.

Hey, long time no see. I’ve been quite the neglectful blogger lately. Sorry guys. It’s been a whirlwind of a week.

I had Friday off work for a doctor’s appointment. Just a typical physical, I had to fast for some blood work which made me quite the cranky little girl. I don’t understand how people don’t eat breakfast. I didn’t get to eat until 11 and I was DYING. I don’t do hungry so well.

The doctor took some blood for lab tests and they were having trouble finding a vein, so the lab technician had to poke around my arm to try to find one. Yeah, not fun, except while this was happening the lab technician was telling about the time her brother got shot in the head. No joke. Um, okay, maybe my arm doesn’t hurt that bad.

Please note the non-peanut butter oats I ate for breakfast immediately post arm-stabbing. Fasting and blood drawing are not a good combo:

Overnight (actually early morning) oats, plain greek yogurt, vanilla whey protein powder, soy milk and cinnamon, I think this is the first time all summer I haven’t eaten peanut butter oatmeal. Changin’ it up. It was delicious but not the same.

My mom took out for lunch at Neomonde, a nearby Mediterranean restaurant. Neomonde is set up kind of like a deli, you can order plates of different sides, wraps, and kebabs, but they also offer food by the pound and lots of packaged Mediterranean goodies like dried fruits, breads and dairy products.

I ordered a plate with fava bean salad, black bean salad, foul, and fruit salad. Mom got the plate on the left and the pita. I totally didn’t realize that my lunch was almost 100% beans until I sat down to eat. Whoops. Luckily I like a little fiber in my diet. My plate was totally demolished, I was clearly a little hungry. Neomonde’s is always a winner for quality food. Their food is wholesome, delicious, and very vegetarian friendly, and sometimes they give us free baklava. Bonus points.

I also had some unpictured fro yo. Tart flavored with bananas, a small sprinkle of dark chocolate chips with a smidge of peanut butter sauce. So good. I can deal with getting my arms stabbed if it means free frozen yogurt.


Saturday morning I was headed to the beach!

I don’t have many pictures, because I was busy living life, but work with me here.

For lunch I stopped by Whole Foods for some salad/hot bar deliciousness when we got into Wilmington. We made a McDonald’s stop for my friends earlier along our trip, so I was free to pick a super healthy/hippie spot for lunch. We passed a billboard for Whole Foods so of course I had to stop. The store was twice the size of the one back home. Heaven. I filled my take-out box with tofu, a superfood salad and steamed veggies. But I neglected to take a picture because I was hangry after the two hour drive. Yes, I struggle to go without eating for 2 hours. I like food.

I did stumble across this magical treasure.

A trail mix bar. AKA what dreams are made of. I resisted though and my wallet and waistline are thanking me.

From Whole Foods we headed to Carolina Beach for a couple of hours of beach time. It was wonderful. The water was warm and it was a perfect 85 degrees. Despite my pale skin, and lack of ability to swim I still love the beach. It’s such a peaceful place.

Although our actual beach time was cut a little short thanks to a storm that was brewing and some intense wind. Strong winds and sand make a really great combination if you don’t like having skin.

Speaking of, I got a little burnt:


It was my goal not to get burnt this year. Total failure. I forgot to put sunscreen on my entire chest/front of my shoulders. I’m such a genius sometimes. Racer backs are currently the only thing that don’t hurt, so I think I’ll be living in a sports bra for the next week. It’s better than last year when I got burnt all around the back of my bathing suit bottom. Not recommended. What’s up Casper.

After the weather took a turn for the worse, we headed back into Wilmington to grab some dinner before leaving town. My friend Lizzie works at the Mellow Mushroom in Wilmington so naturally we had to eat there. Not to mention Mellow Mushroom is awesome and very vegetarian and gluten-free friendly. It was only 4:00 pm (we’re a bunch of grannies) so we basically had the restaurant to ourselves, it was great to get a chance to catch up.

I ordered a build-your-own-salad which I forgot to take a picture of, but it looked something like this:

But not quite. Tofu, artichokes, mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes over lettuce with balsamic vinegarette. Tasty.

After dinner we headed back to Raleigh, armed with an iced coffee for the drive.

By the way. iced coffees are a poor choice for road trips. Your bladder will not be happy.

And fro yo was necessary when we got back to Raleigh. Duh. I dropped off one friend and my roommate and I met up with her boyfriend at Freshberry near NC State’s campus. It was a little over priced, and the topping selections were pretty slim, but it was still tasty. But, I don’t think I’ve met a frozen yogurt I didn’t like.  Tart flavored with fruit, again. So predictable.

Then I was a lazy bum on Sunday. I found a tick on my head though.


I don’t even know how it landed on me because I haven’t been in the woods or anything, but now I’m incredibly grossed out. Luckily it looked like it hadn’t been there long. Grossgrossgross.

What did you do this weekend?

What’s your favorite pizza restaurant? I love Mellow Mushroom’s pizza. Good stuff.