What I Ate… at Fit Expo {WIAW}

First off, I’d like to wish a very happy birthday to the best mom in the world.



I think she’s still younger at heart than I am. Love you mom!


This week has been CRAZY. I feel like I say that every week, but this week has really been extra crazy.

I went to the 2013 Southeast Collegiate Fitness Expo which was AMAZING and such a wonderful experience that it deserves it’s own recap, but I’ve been doing some major catch-up since I got back. 100% worth it but still no less crazy.

One of the best things about being on a trip with 9 group fitness instructors is that 2/3 of them are pescetarians, they all get the same crazy salad cravings, and no one bats an eyelash when I bust out a tupperware full of kale chips. Finally some people who share my intense love of vegetables!

The Fit Expo was in Norfolk and you’ll be happy to know that we took advantage of being in a big city and ate at Chipotle and Starbucks no less than two times. Boone, can you get it together and get a Chipotle? Please and thank you. Maybe it’s a good thing we don’t have one because I’m pretty sure 90% of my weekly budget (I have to buy coffee too you know) on Chipotle.

We left Boone Friday around 2, making a pit stop in Greensboro for Starbucks, NECESSARY when you’ve got a 6 hour car ride ahead of you.

It didn’t quite make it into a picture, but long car rides and limited sleep makes coffee extra delicious because it was gone in no time.

Lots of car snacks happened, lots and lots.

We finally got into Norfolk around 9:00pm and we were going to check out a local restaurant The Ten Top but they were closing, luckily there was a Chipotle across the street. Hey, I can’t complain about that!


Look at all that beautiful guacamole 🙂

Saturday began Clif bar extravaganza. Appstate recreation is sponsored by Clif bar so we brought along a HUGE box of mini-chocolate chip Clif bars. I don’t even want to talk about how many I ate.

Good thing they’re so tasty, because I’m pretty sure I ate at least 10. Eight hours of group fitness classes works up one SERIOUS appetite.

Lunch was provided for us but I didn’t even bother taking a picture because it sucked. Sorry, Old Dominion University. I had the vegetarian wrap (basically a tortilla with a few grilled veggies inside) an apple, and chocolate chip cookies. Actually it probably would have been a tasty lunch if I was a normal eater, but I was left the with just the wrap innards because my apple had a big crack in it. Vegetarians don’t need protein, not at all!

I sound a little bitter, whoops, sorry guys, I get a little hangry sometimes. I had a very tasty Peanut butter chocolate chip Larabar to make up for it. Peanut butter and chocolate fixes everything.

Good thing dinner made up for lunch. My boss grew up in Norfolk so she knew all the tasty local restaurants. At the end of day one we dragged our tired and very sore butts (literally, SO MANY SQUATS) to Pasha, a very delicious Turkish restaurant.

My boss wasn’t lying when she said this place was good. So many tasty options, and the menu labelled all the gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian restaurant. Basically I was in mediterranean restaurant heaven.

pasha vegetarian gluten-free kale hummus black bean wrap

I ended up ordering the Hummus, Kale and Black Bean Wrap – hummus, fresh, local kale, black bean & corn salad, vegan with organic ingredients

Ordered with a millet and flax gluten free wrap with a side of amazing lentil soup.

This meal was amazing, the lentil soup was hearty, well seasoned and DELICIOUS and the wrap was equally amazing. My only complaint was that because I ordered the gluten free wrap, my wrap was tiny (another girl ordered the same wrap with a regular tortilla and the wrap was significantly bigger) which was frustrating because one, I was hungry and hoping for something bigger and two, I had to pay extra for the wrap so it stinks that it was so much smaller.

There’s my hangry-ness popping up again.

Sunday consisted of more Clif bars (even more this time, I’m a mini-Clif bar eating machine!). The expo finished around 1 pm so we all grabbed some lunch at Tropical Smoothie Cafe before leaving Norfolk.

tropical smoothie cafe southwest salad no chicken

I had the Southwest salad minus the chicken and chipotle ranch, because we all know I can’t order anything as it is. The salad was pretty good and filled my veggie craving. I love Clif bars but sometimes you just need some veggies.

We also made a mandatory Starbucks stop before leaving town, of course.

The original plan was to power through the drive home, but we all got a little hungry and stopped for dinner in Winston-Salem. Time for Chipotle round two.

chipotle vegetarian salad

Okay, that’s the same picture again but just imagine it with pico de gallo this time because I ordered the same thing. Creature of habit right here.

The weekend was a delicious one but it feels good to get back to my normal eating. My mouth may love the taste of Clif bars, but my stomach doesn’t appreciate all the extra sugar and grains. Give this girl some veggies.

What did you do this weekend?

How do you fuel for a long day of working out?

What’s your favorite kind of bar? I love them all, but Larabars have to be one of my favorites!

PS. Don’t forget to enter my Blogiversary giveaway! You have until next Friday!

Healthy Holiday Recipe: Pumpkin Crisp {WIAW}

Happy Wednesday!

Is it bad since I’m on break I no longer know what day it is? I just realized that there’s less than a week until Christmas! Say whatttt.

Luckily I went shopping yesterday and finished most of my Christmas shopping, I just have one more thing to pick up for my brother who is incredibly indecisive and doesn’t know what he wants. And I can’t go my usual route and just buy him food because he works at Trader Joe’s and gets already gets a discount on all the delicious snacks he could ever want. If anyone has (cheap) gift ideas for an 18 year old college freshman please send them my way.

Is there anyone in your family that’s hard to buy for? My mom is easy because she drops lots of hints but my dad and brothers either don’t want anything, only want cash, or want things my tiny college budget can’t afford. Men always have to be so difficult.

Anyway, back to the food. I’ve got another healthy holiday treat for you! But first, some of the food I’ve been enjoying lately:


I’ve been roasting veggies like it’s my job. Tempeh + Sweet Potato + Onion + Brussel Sprouts


My family grabbed dinner at La Rancherita last Saturday when we were in downtown Apex. I remember eating there a couple of times as a kid, but we hadn’t been in a longgg time. Even though I’m not a fan of most Mexican places I loved this restaurant, their menu was full of vegetables and vegetarian friendly meals! Such a change from most Mexican places around here that are all tortilla, cheese and refried beans. I was so excited to see a non-taco salad on the menu!


Lots of Christmas goodies, I’ve been trying to practice this little thing called moderation where I don’t eat all the Christmas treats in one day. I’m not very good at moderation but I’m doing much better than I have in years past!

I’ve also been trying to cool it on the gluten too, I’ve been indulging in way too much lately and while a cookie here and there doesn’t bother me too much, I’ve been eating much more than that and my poor digestive system has been feeling the consequences. Daily tummy aches are no fun. But I still plan to eat as many gluten-filled cookies as humanly possible on Christmas Day. It’s all about balance right?

My mom cooked up a big pot of vegetable soup over the weekend which I’ve been enjoying for lunch almost daily. Except I keep forgetting to take a picture of it. Sorry. She made it using a carton of vegetable stock, a jar of chunky Ragu sauce, a bag of frozen soup vegetable and a can of black beans. So easy and so dang tasty! I’ve been bulking it up with some microwaved kale to add some greens into the mix.


I’m newly obsessed with making my own hot chocolate, I love that I can control what goes in the mix and I can get a chocolate fix without all the extra sugar. My mix lately has been 1 cup of plain unsweetened almond milk, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon honey, a dash of vanilla extract and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I think I’ve had this 4/7 nights this week!

And now for a healthy holiday recipe, I made this for the dessert potluck my friends had a couple weeks ago. I was worried it might taste a little too healthy but my friends gave it their approval!

Pumpkin Crisp

(Gluten-free, free of refined sugar)



The Base

  • Two 15oz cans of pumpkin
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/3 cup honey (other liquid sweeteners should work as well)
  • 1/3 cup milk of choice
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tsp vanilla

The Topping

  • 1.5 cups rolled oats (make sure they’re certified GF if that’s an issue for you)
  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/4 chopped walnuts
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • Pumpkin pie spice


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2. In a large bowl mix together the ingredients for the base and pour the mixture into a greased 8″ x 10″ baking dish.
  3. Place the pumpkin mixture in the oven for 20 minutes
  4. While the pumpkin mixture is baking, combine the ingredients for the topping until all ingredients are well combined.
  5. Removed the pumpkin mixture from the oven and spread the topping mixture over top covering as much of the pumpkin as possible.
  6. Place back in the oven for another 15-20 minutes or until the pumpkin mixture has firmed up and the topping is golden brown


Well maybe pumpkin isn’t the most Christmas-y flavor but that’s okay, I love it anyway.

What’s your favorite Christmas dessert? Cooooookkkkiiiieeeessss! I’m a Christmas cookie monster 🙂

Is there someone in your family who’s notoriously hard to buy for?

What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever given (or received)?

Thanksgiving/Anniversary 2012

I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!

Mine was pretty good! I was a terrible blogger and didn’t take nearly enough pictures, but that’s okay I was enjoying time with my family. Plus it spared me from explaining what a blog is to my technologically-inept 86-year old grandfather, who still doesn’t know how to use a cell phone (even a jitterbug!), you gotta love him.

Wednesday morning my family hit the road for a 5 hour drive down to South Carolina. I managed to sneak in a 2 mile run before we hit the road to save my sanity. I get so antsy on car rides. I also managed to get in a nice hour and a half nap, car naps are the best.

My mom made a huge crock pot of vegetarian for dinner to make things easy, which was a genius idea on her part because who really wants to cook the night before Thanksgiving?


Plus it makes all the omnivores (my parents), vegetarians (me and my brothers) and the gluten-free-er (me!) happy. She got the recipe from Vegetarian Times I think. It’s got a ton of ingredients but from what I can remember it has: black beans, dark and light red kidney beans, diced tomatoes, shredded carrots, mushrooms, diced onion, diced bell pepper, red wine, salsa, ground meatless crumbles, garlic and seasoning. I think that’s everything.

The chili made tons of leftovers which are now residing in my apartment freezer. I’m pretty sure I have enough for dinner for the next two weeks, and I’m super excited I have dinner covered for a little while (:

Thursday morning was a made rush to cook/thaw/reheat everything for our Thanksgiving meal. Even though we get a lot of our food pre-made from a local restaurant we still cook a couple of side dishes (aka, I complain that our meal needs more veggies that are not slathered in cheese and butter and cooked with bacon and roast a huge pan of brussel sprouts, oh and someone makes mashed potatoes but I’m weird and don’t like those).

I attempted to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade as things were going in and out of the oven but I managed to only catch a a few commercial breaks. Boo. The parade is on of my favorites parts of Thanksgiving! I did catch a few a broadway performances and the Rockettes so I will survive until next year.


I did manage to snap a picture of (part) of our spread. Clockwise from the red pot is mashed potatoes, turkey, blurry greens beans, baked mac n cheese, dressing, peas and broccoli casserole, plus some sweet potato casserole, ham, roasted brussel sprouts, yeast rolls, corn and cranberry sauce that hadn’t made it too the table quite yet. Don’t get too jealous of my grandfather’s taste in interior decorating, I see you eyeing those ceramic ducks.

I enjoyed a plate full (okay, several) of roasted brussels sprouts (seriously they were like 2/3 of my plate!), corn, cranberry sauce, broccoli casserole, plus a baked sweet potato and baked tempeh I made for a little extra staying power.



This cheesecake is crazyyyy good. I had every intention of being good and scooping out the filling to avoid a tummy ache from the graham cracker crust but… that didn’t happen. It was worth it though. I highly recommend this cheesecake to anyone who loves pumpkin (aka all healthy living/food bloggers) but not to people who don’t enjoy eating a whole cheesecake in one sitting because this one will make you want to do that.

The rest of the day was spent nursing our food babies, looking through all the Black Friday newspaper ads at the sales we fully planned on sleeping through and enjoying Thanksgiving round two with the leftovers at dinner time.

It was wonderful to spend time with my family, I only get to see my extended family around the holidays so I was thankful to see them all again! I’m also really thankful for everything, seriously everything. I have a great family, go to a great school, have great friends, I’m so lucky to have everything I have and I really tried to concentrate on that this Thanksgiving rather than just stuffing my face full of food, but don’t get me wrong, that definitely happened too.

Friday morning we packed up the car and headed back home. I had another great car nap on the way home too, I’m on a roll with the naps lately. We made a pit stop in downtown Chapel Hill to grab some lunch before we got home.


We stopped at the Mediterranean Deli. One of my brothers and my parents had eaten there before but it was my first time and it was really delicious! I got a three plate sampler which let me pick 3 of there vegetarian deli items. It was a tough decision because they had so many delicious looking options but I ended up with Chickpea Salad, Avocado and Feta Salad and Sauteed Cauliflower. It was all delicious! I was so sad when I finished everything. I need to figure out how the made the cauliflower because it was awesome!

One of my favorite parts about the Mediterranean Deli was that all the dishes were well labelled, listing all the ingredients and whether a dish was vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, etc. I don’t see that a lot but it’s really helpful, especially for someone like me with a few eating restrictions. I hate going into a deli and having to guess if something is vegetarian or gluten-free.

Overall I’m super jealous my brother goes to school in Chapel Hill and is so close to this little gem. Though I guess I can’t complain because Boone has some pretty awesome restaurants too.

As soon as we got home I turned around and high-tailed it to my boyfriend’s place so we could celebrate our 6 year anniversary! I hadn’t seen him in over a month and it was so good to be reunited! We did things super low key this year which we both seem to enjoy a lot more than trying to plan some over the top date. We grabbed dinner at Qdoba.

Recycled photo from our last Qdoba trip, I got roasted veggies this time instead of guacamole, poor decision, always go with the guac.

Which is actually kinda funny because for our 5 year anniversary we went out for dinner at Moe’s. Apparently we love casual tex mex meals for special occasions, we’re just classy like that. Actually it’s probably because it’s one of the few restaurants that makes a hungry meat-eating man and health-freakish gluten-free vegetarian happy.

After dinner we stopped by Trader Joe’s and picked up some Three Buck Chuck:

and Chocolate Covered Almond Clusters:

I’d be lying if I said we didn’t polish off the entire container

Chocolate and wine, could life be better?

We then enjoyed an evening at home watching stand-up comedy. It was low-key and perfect. Sometimes date nights at home completely trump a night out and it was such a wonderful way to end the night.

How was your Thanksgiving?

Do you prefer low-key or fancy dates?

What’s the best thing you ate this weekend?

21st Birthday, Flea Market and Marvelous Mondays

I had quite the fun and jam-packed weekend this weekend!

The weekend started early with my friend’s 21st birthday, we went out to dinner at a local Thai restaurant, Cha Da Thai. This was my first time eating there but I’d heard very good things and was not disappointed. When my friend told me she wanted to go to Cha Da Thai I looked up their menu online and saw their menu had a curry section. I was ridiculously excited for this meal all week. I have a completely unnatural love for curry, can’t get enough!

So obviously that’s what I got! I ordered the Kaeng Panang Curry with tofu, which I’m sure I totally butchered the pronunciation of when ordering. Anywho, it was a “delicious, sweet red curry dish with coconut cream, broccoli, snow pea, carrot, bell peppers and kaffir leaves.” delicious indeed. I finished every last tasty drop of that curry sauce. Not sorry about it.


And the birthday girl got 4 birthday crowns and a light up wand. And apparently a super blurry picture. Sorry guys.

The celebrations continued on Friday night with cupcakes and daiquiris.

I whipped up some chocolate cupcakes using Bob’s Redmill Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake Mix (hey, I wanted to eat some too!), and because I can’t seem to leave cake mix well enough alone, I swirled some peanut butter in on top. Best decision ever. They didn’t even need frosting after that, I would know because I ate 4 of them. No shame.

We ended our super girly night with Moulin Rouge. It was actually my first time seeing Moulin Rouge and it was pretty weird, but they sing Elton John’s “Your Song”. That sassy little gay man makes every thing better.

Saturday morning started off with a CrossFit workout (which was amazing!). Post-CrossFit (and shower!) My friends and I headed out to a flea market in nearby Deep Gap to see what treasures we could find. A good alternative to dealing with the drunk tailgaters on campus. Sidenote: I love how tailgating makes daytime drunkenness totally acceptable (but Appalachian beat Montana!).


If the cats were any indication of the things inside, we were in for a treat. We actually ended up finding some pretty cool things:

The pleasant regulator? I doubt that.

Lots of license plates.

Old soda bottles galore.

And some $0.05 fun.

And soooo much more. The place was full to the brim with stuff. We even found an old stop light, some samurai swords, and a family’s old Christmas stockings. I left with a $2 mini-buddha and a $0.50 unicorn figurine (best $0.50 I’ve ever spent!). Pictures when I decide to get off my lazy butt and take them (:

Then we ended up on the Blue Ridge Parkway:


So beautiful, I really love the mountains.

Sunday I just decided to be a lazy bum. I’m not even going to try to sugar-coating it, I didn’t leave my apartment once. Laziness at its finest.

Which brings us to Monday!

Today has been long, but surprisingly good. Things that made my Monday a little less miserable:


  • Oats in a jar for breakfast. Fewer dirty dishes ftw please! Though now I’m pretty sad that I’m out of almond butter… and that this is the 4th jar of nut butter I’ve finished in 3 weeks. By myself. I don’t play when it comes to my nut butter consumption.
  • A square of unsweetened Baker’s chocolate followed this jar of oatmeal. Chocolate makes Mondays better. It’s a fact.
  • I took an unexpected spin class today after class. I was going to go for a 3-mile run but my foot is feeling like it’s starting to act up again, so I nixed the running idea, checked the group fitness schedule and saw that there was a 45 minute spin class at the same time I was going to go running. Lucky fitness coincidence!
  • University recreation FINALLY got new yoga/pilates mats! Inhaling foot stench was not the most zen thing in the world.
  • Speaking of Pilates, my class went awesome today. I’m starting to get in the teaching-zone and I’m really enjoying teaching every week. I have a few repeat students and it makes me so happy to see their faces every week. They like me! They really like me! (Kidding! But I’m happy they enjoy their workout)
  • The community service club I’m a part of has TRIPLED in size this year. I went to a meeting today and was amazed by amount of people I saw. It warms my heart that so many people want to do good in the world.
  • Gluten-free pizza leftovers. It has been 5 MONTHS (ridiculous!) since I last had pizza and I have been craving it something fierce. Thank you Amy for your delicious pizza, and an extra thank you for making it big enough for leftovers.

How was your weekend?

What made your Monday Marvelous?










Hey! Long time no see!

It’s been a crazy week to say the least. Recap? yes.


I had mandatory training for work. In Boone. I couldn’t move into my apartment until Saturday, so I had to make a the three hour trip to Boone for three hours of training. Six hours of driving? Sounds like a good time. Luckily, my mom was sweet enough to come along with me (and drive!) which made for a pretty fun day trip.

I got finished with my training around 12:30, so my mom and I grabbed lunch before heading home. We were hoping to go to Black Cat but the line was already out the door and I was pretty hungry, so we headed across the street to Melanie’s instead. Melanie’s is a cute little brunch place in downtown Boone. They offer a variety of fresh and local ingredients and have a lot of great vegetarian options, always a bonus. I ordered the Omelet of the Day which included feta cheese, artichoke, mushrooms and spinach with a side of fresh fruit. I didn’t remember to take a picture but it was absolutely delicious. I loved the feta cheese and artichokes together with the eggs, and unexpected combination but so good.


Friday morning I woke up bright an early to catch a Basic Training class. I only had a few days left in town so I wanted to get in all my favorite group fitness classes before leaving. This workout was a toughie but I loved it.

Friday was also my last day at my internship! They bought me a cake (marble flavored!) to celebrate my last day which was so sweet of them.

It’s got a few slices missing but you get the picture. I’ll pretend like it was gluten-free and didn’t give me a stomach ache the next day. Worth it though.

My internship was such a great experience, I learned so much, got to work on a lot of really cool projects, and got to work with some really nice people. I’m definitely going to miss it there!

Friday evening my boyfriend and I had a date night to spend some time together before I go went to school. We originally planned to go out to dinner, but we both decided we just wanted to stay home instead. We grabbed subs from Jimmy John’s (veggie lettuce wrap for me, lots of meat and bread for him), grabbed a movie from Red Box (Jeff, Who Lives At Home which was different but good, with lots of dark humor) and just enjoyed each other’s company. It was a pretty perfect evening.


Saturday was an apartment packing extravaganza. I feel that by adding extravaganza at the end of something you don’t really want to do it makes it sound more and makes me more likely to do it. Example: Dish Washing Extravaganza! Paper Writing Extravaganza! Root Canal Extravaganza (okay that still sounds awful)! Much more fun sounding.

But before packing I stopped in for one last group fitness class at my gym, kickboxing! I hadn’t been to a kickboxing class all summer and after taking that class I regret it. It was so much fun and I was dripping in sweat by the end of it. It was definitely an amazing workout.

I should mention it’s a bad choice to wait to pack until the day before you move. Learn from my mistakes. At least I got fro yo.


Tart and Oatmeal Cookie flavor with bananas, a peanut butter drizzle and carob chips. Oatmeal cookie might overtake tart for my new favorite flavor, it’s so cinnamon-y and delicious. You better watch your back tart.


Move-in day! It was a long one. My parents and I got into Boone around lunch time so we hit up the Earthfare deli/salad bar to fuel a long afternoon of carrying boxes.

Salad with spring mix, alfalfa sprouts, mushrooms, carrots, chickpeas and feta cheese, plus sauteed veggies and steamed broccoli on the side. Hit the stop.

Enter 2 hours of moving things into my new apartment(!), which I am loving. It’s so nice to have my own room again, apartments are a million times better than dorms. I’ll have to give a tour if I even finish unpacking all the way. Yeah, it could be a few weeks.

My family and one of my roommates then headed out for dinner at Coyote Kitchen. Coyote Kitchen serves what it calls “Caribbean soul food” and it is one of my favorite restaurants in Boone, everything they serve is absolutely delicious. It’s a little pricey for my college budget, but I definitely take advantage and go when my parents are in town.

I ordered a Gabriella burrito sans tortilla (because I like to be difficult):


“Rice, black beans, blackened tofu, sweet red vegan nayo, sweet potatoes, roasted sweet corn, roasted red pepper, and zucchini and squash” with a side of cranberry chipotle salsa.

Unbelievably good. And FYI ordering a burrito with no tortilla is definitely the way to go, they give you way more filling, which is definitely the best part.

After dinner I ran my parents all around town to pick up things for my apartment. Sorry guys.


Monday morning my parents and I headed out to Blowing Rock to check out the outlet mall. There weren’t many spectacular deals but I did snag a cut dress from the Gap.

We grabbed lunch at Black Cat before my parents headed out of town. Black Cat is another Boone favorite, they make some of the best burritos I’ve ever had and all for a very college-friendly price. I ordered a “Satay It To Me Softly” (yes, all of their other burritos have equally awesome names):

“Tofu in a spinach wrap stuffed with broccoli, carrots, caramelized onions, a spicy thai peanut sauce, cheese & rice” except minus the tortilla for me again, and a side of coleslaw. The peanut sauce in this bad boy is AMAZING. I would drink it if I could. Not kidding even a little bit.

My parents headed home after lunch, it’s always a little sad to see them go but I definitely excited for what the year has in store.

For dinner we got together with my friends that live in the apartment next door and had a potluck dinner. It was a very college-y spread of chicken, roasted asparagus, Kraft mac and cheese, green beans, cheesy bread, these black bean burgers from yours truly and chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. It ended up being a pretty random mishmash of food, but a good time. We’re going to have so much fun living across from each other this year.


Today was the first day of classes! What’s up senior year? I can’t believe I’m already a senior, where has the time gone?

But I’ve got to get up early to get books in the morning so it’s bed time for me!

What did you do this weekend?

If you’re in school, how was your first day?

Would you rather have a date night at home or go out?




Beach Please.

Hey, long time no see. I’ve been quite the neglectful blogger lately. Sorry guys. It’s been a whirlwind of a week.

I had Friday off work for a doctor’s appointment. Just a typical physical, I had to fast for some blood work which made me quite the cranky little girl. I don’t understand how people don’t eat breakfast. I didn’t get to eat until 11 and I was DYING. I don’t do hungry so well.

The doctor took some blood for lab tests and they were having trouble finding a vein, so the lab technician had to poke around my arm to try to find one. Yeah, not fun, except while this was happening the lab technician was telling about the time her brother got shot in the head. No joke. Um, okay, maybe my arm doesn’t hurt that bad.

Please note the non-peanut butter oats I ate for breakfast immediately post arm-stabbing. Fasting and blood drawing are not a good combo:

Overnight (actually early morning) oats, plain greek yogurt, vanilla whey protein powder, soy milk and cinnamon, I think this is the first time all summer I haven’t eaten peanut butter oatmeal. Changin’ it up. It was delicious but not the same.

My mom took out for lunch at Neomonde, a nearby Mediterranean restaurant. Neomonde is set up kind of like a deli, you can order plates of different sides, wraps, and kebabs, but they also offer food by the pound and lots of packaged Mediterranean goodies like dried fruits, breads and dairy products.

I ordered a plate with fava bean salad, black bean salad, foul, and fruit salad. Mom got the plate on the left and the pita. I totally didn’t realize that my lunch was almost 100% beans until I sat down to eat. Whoops. Luckily I like a little fiber in my diet. My plate was totally demolished, I was clearly a little hungry. Neomonde’s is always a winner for quality food. Their food is wholesome, delicious, and very vegetarian friendly, and sometimes they give us free baklava. Bonus points.

I also had some unpictured fro yo. Tart flavored with bananas, a small sprinkle of dark chocolate chips with a smidge of peanut butter sauce. So good. I can deal with getting my arms stabbed if it means free frozen yogurt.


Saturday morning I was headed to the beach!

I don’t have many pictures, because I was busy living life, but work with me here.

For lunch I stopped by Whole Foods for some salad/hot bar deliciousness when we got into Wilmington. We made a McDonald’s stop for my friends earlier along our trip, so I was free to pick a super healthy/hippie spot for lunch. We passed a billboard for Whole Foods so of course I had to stop. The store was twice the size of the one back home. Heaven. I filled my take-out box with tofu, a superfood salad and steamed veggies. But I neglected to take a picture because I was hangry after the two hour drive. Yes, I struggle to go without eating for 2 hours. I like food.

I did stumble across this magical treasure.

A trail mix bar. AKA what dreams are made of. I resisted though and my wallet and waistline are thanking me.

From Whole Foods we headed to Carolina Beach for a couple of hours of beach time. It was wonderful. The water was warm and it was a perfect 85 degrees. Despite my pale skin, and lack of ability to swim I still love the beach. It’s such a peaceful place.

Although our actual beach time was cut a little short thanks to a storm that was brewing and some intense wind. Strong winds and sand make a really great combination if you don’t like having skin.

Speaking of, I got a little burnt:


It was my goal not to get burnt this year. Total failure. I forgot to put sunscreen on my entire chest/front of my shoulders. I’m such a genius sometimes. Racer backs are currently the only thing that don’t hurt, so I think I’ll be living in a sports bra for the next week. It’s better than last year when I got burnt all around the back of my bathing suit bottom. Not recommended. What’s up Casper.

After the weather took a turn for the worse, we headed back into Wilmington to grab some dinner before leaving town. My friend Lizzie works at the Mellow Mushroom in Wilmington so naturally we had to eat there. Not to mention Mellow Mushroom is awesome and very vegetarian and gluten-free friendly. It was only 4:00 pm (we’re a bunch of grannies) so we basically had the restaurant to ourselves, it was great to get a chance to catch up.

I ordered a build-your-own-salad which I forgot to take a picture of, but it looked something like this:

But not quite. Tofu, artichokes, mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes over lettuce with balsamic vinegarette. Tasty.

After dinner we headed back to Raleigh, armed with an iced coffee for the drive.

By the way. iced coffees are a poor choice for road trips. Your bladder will not be happy.

And fro yo was necessary when we got back to Raleigh. Duh. I dropped off one friend and my roommate and I met up with her boyfriend at Freshberry near NC State’s campus. It was a little over priced, and the topping selections were pretty slim, but it was still tasty. But, I don’t think I’ve met a frozen yogurt I didn’t like.  Tart flavored with fruit, again. So predictable.

Then I was a lazy bum on Sunday. I found a tick on my head though.


I don’t even know how it landed on me because I haven’t been in the woods or anything, but now I’m incredibly grossed out. Luckily it looked like it hadn’t been there long. Grossgrossgross.

What did you do this weekend?

What’s your favorite pizza restaurant? I love Mellow Mushroom’s pizza. Good stuff.

“The More You Drink, The Better We Sound”

It’s been a busy (and fun) past couple of days!

Wednesday night my parents and I went to a free concert at Waverly Place. Liquid Pleasure, a local band out of Chapel Hill was playing. The music was pegged as beach music, but actually they played most rock/soft-rock covers, neither of which is really my style of music, but they still sounded good.

Their motto throughout the night was “The more you drink, the better we sound”. I didn’t get to test that one out because I was not about to pay $4 for a tiny cup of wine. I spent my $4 at the Whole Foods salad bar instead. Much better choice.

It was really sunny and I didn’t think to bring sunglasses. Not a smart move on my part. I also thought that because it was only going to be 85 degrees (instead of 95+) jeans would be okay. Wrong. I was dying. At least I didn’t get sunburnt?

When my eyes started hurting I moved on to attempting to take artsy pictures of inanimate objects. Hey Red Solo Cup.

And when I needed a break from the heat I walked around Whole Foods for a little bit, they had some really beautiful flowers outside.

Thursday afternoon my mom and I went to the Farmer’s Market! I would just like to take a minute and thank Wake County for having a farmer’s market that is open 7 days a week. The perks of living in an agricultural state. It’s made me a little spoiled.

I left my camera in my dad’s car so I didn’t get to take any pictures, which was a shame because it wasn’t very crowded that day. But I’m sure my mom was glad to have an extra set of helpful hands instead of having to wait for me to take 10 pictures of a squash. She’s a good sport.

We left with a good haul of produce! Peaches, raspberries, sweet potatoes, collard greens, eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, corn, cantaloupe, watermelon and beets. All for $30. Have I mentioned I love the farmer’s market?

Thursday night my mom and I went hunting for my grandmother’s old Vitamix in our garage. There are rumors there’s one up there and I can have it if I can dig it out. I won’t rest until I find it! Except I did because it was 103 degrees outside. I’ll be back when it cools down! I did find a dehydrator though! I left it out there for the time being because it’s massive and I don’t know where to put it yet, and an ice cream maker. How did I not know that my grandmother had all these awesome kitchen appliances?

Friday my mom and I grabbed lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. I love Sweet Tomatoes because this happens:

Salad Heaven.

When a salad bar doesn’t charge by weight I have to take advantage. I feel really bad for whoever gets behind me and line because I have to stop at every vegetable. They give me plenty of evil stares too. Health-freak problems.

Both plates were demolished and soooo good. Also, please note my mom’s salad in the background, it looks measly in comparison.

This morning I headed to the gym (after 8.5 hours of glorious sleep, I’ve been averaging 6 lately and paying for it) and completed the LiveFit week 5 shoulders workout. I also ran 2 miles on the treadmill which felt AMAZING. I haven’t been running lately because it’s been so hot out (the treadmill kills me) and I’ve had a lot of pain in the top of my right foot and running seems to be aggravating it. My foots has start to feel better so I’m trying to ease back into running because I do miss it and I want to keep my endurance up. It felt pretty good today, but I’m sticking to indoor runs for a while so I can just hop off the treadmill if I have any issues.

For lunch I met my roommate, her boyfriend, and a school friend visiting Raleigh for lunch at Red Robin. I was really excited to see that Red Robin now has two meatless burger options (Morningstar and Boca – though a black bean option would have been yummier) AND gluten-free buns. It makes me excited to see these alternatives at big chain restaurants like Red Robin.

I ordered a Keep It Simple Burger:

Like this except with a Boca patty, lettuce wrap instead of a bun (gluten-free bread was an extra $1, so I went for the cheaper option), no pickles (GROSS)  and fruit instead of fries. Because I like to be complicated. Neither veggie burger option ended up being gluten-free, but I at least avoided the bun. Oh well.

For whatever reason my burger came out completely disassembled. I guess you were supposed to be able to build your own like the picture above? But that doesn’t really work with a lettuce as bun, and they didn’t give me lettuce pieces large enough to eat with the burger. I just cut everything up and ate it like a salad, so it was no big deal, just a little strange.

From there we headed to the mall to look around some. I ended up buying a tank top on clearance, but then realized my debit card was in the card. A good move for forced self-control, so I left with a happy wallet.

I’ve spent the rest of the night catching up on DVRed recordings of the Olympic gymnastics trials. I can’t wait until the Olympics start! Less than a month!

What’s the last concert you went to?

What’s your favorite Olympic sport? I can’t pick, but I love gymnastics (artistic and rhythmic), track and field and all the obscure sports like table tennis (the US trials took place right down the street from me!).

You Gotta Love ‘Em

That was the theme of my weekend. I love my family, but spending time with extended family members can be stressful. But they’re family so you gotta love them. Even if they make you want to pull your hair out.

Moving on.

Friday after work my mom, brother and I hit the road for Spartanburg, SC. My other brother had to work, so my dad stayed home with them. Lucky. I should explain that we only went Spartanburg to see my grandfather. There is nothing in Spartanburg. That’s a lie. There is nothing to do in Spartanburg with your 86-year-old grandfather. It was good to see him though.

Lunch on Friday was Jimmy John’s on the way out of town. I. Love. Jimmy John’s. They are hands down the best sub chain anywhere. You are not allowed to argue with that point. I got a vegetarian sub with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado spread(!) in a lettuce wrap. They were out of sprouts, which I was highly upset about, but it’s Jimmy John’s so I’ll forgive them. No pictures because I was hungry, and lettuce wraps require two hands.

Fast forward 4 hours of driving time and we stopped for some outlet mall shopping. I hit the jackpot at the Gap Outlet with a $4 sweater, $6 yoga pants, and $12 sleeveless shirt for work and a $15 workout top. I cannot turn down a good bargain.

Speaking of bargains, what is even the point of this sign? I’m so glad I drove all the way to the outlet mall to save $0.41 on Reeboks? How could you pass up that steal?

Dinner on Friday was Moe’s (we’ll pretend like I’m not a terrible food blogger and forgot to take a picture, again). A naked burrito with black beans, tofu, no rice, lettuce, pico, cucumbers, olives, and jalapenos. And an excessive amount of salsa from the salsa bar, always.

Moe’s was followed by a trip to Wal-Mart. That was an adventure. There were a few good People of Wal-Mart moments. A Wal-Mart trip in the deep south is never an uneventful one.

Saturday we met up with my aunt and uncle for lunch at Wade’s. I should preface this by saying that Wade’s has beaten out Paula Dean’s restaurant for Best Restaurant in several southern magazines. Now place a vegetarian, gluten-free, health-nut in a restaurant that out-southerns Paula Dean, they don’t mix so well. But the place is a family tradition, and I hear it’s really good if you’re into fried southern food.

However the one thing Wade’s has going for it is it’s creamed corn (and rolls, but I abstained this year). Maybe I’m just an old lady, but I could literally eat their creamed corn by the gallon. I’m sure it’s full of all kinds of heavy cream and butter and other horrible ingredients, but it tastes like soft clouds of corn-heaven. Maybe that’s a long way of saying lunch was a tossed salad and side of creamed corn.

Then we had a mini car show.

My uncle bought one of the newly released all-electric Ford Focus. He’s actually one of the first people to buy one, and the only person in the region that owns one, which is pretty cool. You actually can read and article about it here. We got to drive it around town and it’s so cool. The motor is so quiet the only way to tell the  car is even on is the light on the dashboard. The only down side to the car is the battery range is only 100 miles, but it works for him because he lives in a metropolitan area and mostly uses it to commute to work.

We also got to see my aunt’s motorcycle. It has three wheels instead of two and it’s a little larger so it’s much safer and sturdier than a traditional motorcycle. My grandpa still wasn’t a fan.

Dinner on Saturday was at Mellow Mushroom. Word of advice: don’t take your conservative 86 year-old grandfather to a hippie-themed pizza restaurant. Even if he says he’ll be okay, he won’t get it. At all.

Luckily he didn’t read the drink menu. What could possibly sound more appetizing than dirty bong water? That’s what I thought. That drink does actually sound pretty tasty, none for me though.

I got a salad with tofu added on. It was pretty good, but a little bland, but not their fault because I opted for plain tofu instead of BBQ tofu or tempeh. The whole tofu situation baffled my poor grandpa, I think he thought it was some sort of strange chicken.

I needed some fro-yo therapy after dinner. 

We’ll pretend like that’s not a recycled photo. I had greek yogurt and honey flavored with fruit and cashew on top. Sooooo good. I haven’t seen the greek yogurt flavors anywhere else, but it amazing, so hopefully they pop up somewhere local. I was upset to see that the frozen yogurt place also had a green smoothie on the menu and missed it! But my yogurt was delicious so I couldn’t stay mad too long.

There might have been two other fro-yo trips this weekend. Let’s not talk about that.

Other things we won’t talk about:

Sunday morning breakfast. So gross. The waitresses were extremely nice and had all their teeth, which I appreciate, but my food was covered in butter and the coffee was weak. Not good morning fuel. You do what you can though. At least I had my first Waffle House experience? But I’m okay with not having a second one.

We left around noon on Sunday to get back to my own dad for some Father’s Day celebration. We went out for Japanese food at a place called Yuri. The restaurant is tucked away in a shopping center, so I was pleasantly surprised by how nice it was. The decor was nice without making you feel like a bum for wearing jeans, and the food was awesome.

I started with a side salad with ginger dressing. Ginger dressing can’t be bad, it just can’t and it totally made this salad.

I got the Vegetable Maki sushi which included cucumber, avocado, yamagobo, and oshinko. I have no idea what those last two ingredients are, but they looked like some sort of pickled vegetable.  It was all very delicious, crunchy, slightly sweet and creamy from the cucumber. It was been too long since I last had sushi. Oh, and I dominated that pile of ginger. I’m a ginger addict. I can’t get enough of the stuff.

Dessert was a trip next door to Skinny Dip for frozen yogurt. We won’t talk about how it was the third fro-yo trip in 2 days. We won’t. I got a small bowl of vegan cinnamon hazelnut yogurt with granola and bananas. So good. I like getting vegan flavors whenever I can, but sometimes they get a little out there, but I like making vegan choices when I have the opportunity.

So this post has some how turned into a novel and it is past my bed time. Good night!


How did you celebrate Father’s Day? Eat at any interesting restaurants this weekend?

Going out is always a fun treat, but I’m glad to be at home with a kitchen and my own food. My body is much happier that way.

The Graduates

My two younger brothers graduated high school yesterday.

Um, what? When did they turn 18? Last time I checked they were still 8. I guess the fact that they’re 6’2″ and have valid drivers licenses should have clued me in on that one.

I feel like such an old lady right now.

It is literally impossible for my family to take a normal picture. It’s a little bit of a problem.

The ceremony was short, sweet and to the point. Just how all graduations should be. One of my brothers actually gave a speech during it. He was on the senior council, so he got to introduce the valedictorian.

There he is on the Jumbotron. He speech went really well, and he didn’t puke or freeze. Always a good thing.

I brought my jumbo creeper zoom camera lens, which doesn’t help the fact that I’m only 5’4″ so I’ll spare you the pictures of them walking, because about 50% of the photos are the tops of heads of the people in sitting in front of us. I did what I could.

It’s so weird to think that my brothers will be heading off to college in two months. It blows my mind. I’m proud of them though (shh don’t tell them I said that), they’re pretty cool when they’re not annoying the poo out of me.

Graduation was followed by a delicious dinner. I love my brothers, but let’s be honest, I came for the food.

We ate at The Remedy Diner in downtown Raleigh.

Upon entering the restaurant I was convinced I had died and gone to heaven. The restaurant itself was a cute little hole in the wall of a place with a fun alternative vibe, the hostess had purple hair (it made me miss mine!), there was lots of funky art on the wall, the menu was 70% vegetarian, and they offered gluten free bread, foh free. Yes FOH free. Seriously? This place is my dream come true. I’ll just move in upstairs, then I can eat every meal here. Living the dream.

I prefer my art with dark humor and a side of sea creatures please.

Basically I’m the most indecisive person ever. Usually in restaurants there are about two options I can eat, which makes choosing easy. At The Remedy I had about 20, it took forever for me to decide. I settled on the Tempeh Tantrum sandwich (with gluten free bread, foh free – I was a little excited about the bread situation, in case you couldn’t tell):

I figured if it was one of the top 5 vegan sandwiches in the USA, it couldn’t be bad.

It was. I demolished that sandwich. Seriously the best sandwich I’ve had in maybe for ever. I also got the sandwich without the veggie bacon, it had gluten in it (though it’s usually not a big deal for me in small amounts like that) and I’m not much of a veggie bacon fan. It totally didn’t need the bacon, it was perfect just like it was.

I opted for a side salad instead of the chips or vegan coleslaw that was offered. I’m never satisfied with my veggie consumption. The salad was plain but good. I got a lemon dressing to go with it. I’m a lemon tahini dressing freak, if it’s on a menu I will literally base my order off what it will taste good with, and I was a little disappointed with the dressing, I don’t think it had any lemon in it. It was bad, just not what I was expecting, but that was the only flaw I found in my entire meal.

The Remedy is a little out of my typical price range, but I will be back. ASAP. Actually what are you doing tomorrow? Let’s go.

I’m officially obsessed.

Well, I’ve been up since 5 AM. So I’m off to bed!


Any good graduation memories? What’s the best sandwich you’ve ever eaten? And how was your Friday?