Marvelous in My (Kinda) Monday {MIMM}

Happy Tuesday! I’m a little late to the Marvelous in My Monday party this week, but since Monday was a holiday today is kinda like Monday. Kinda. Just go with it.

(Thanks Katie!)

Marvelous is… three day weekends. Hollerrr. It’s been a crazy week at my internship. On Friday we moved our office into a different building for the summer and it was definitely a hectic day. A Monday off was welcomed with open arms.


Our offices actually relocated to a dorm on Duke campus. Yup, my new office is a dorm room, complete with dorm furniture and all. As strange as it sounds I will take it because it’s much more spacious than a cubicle!

Marvelous is… Getting to spend sometime with the other interns on move-in day! Right now there’s only three of us, but the rest of us will be starting next Monday and there will 20+ interns running around. I’m so excited to be surrounded by other college-aged kids, I can’t even tell you.

Marvelous is… The farmer’s market! It’s so good to be back to the monstrous farmer’s market in Raleigh. It’s open 7 days a week and has tons of vendors. Sometimes living in a agriculture-based state spoils me 🙂 Pictures are coming later this week.

Marvelous is… My new blueberry plant from the farmer’s market. Fingers crossed it actually grows blueberries instead of just dying on me. My thumb is more on the brown or black side. I just want some free blueberriesssss.

Marvelous is… Tree lady. My boyfriend and I ran into her while we were walking to the Raleigh Rose Gardens (if you’re a local you need to check that place out, it’s gorgeous! And free!). Pretty clever.


Marvelous is… Rainbows on the drive home.


You can just see the bottom of it in this picture, but it was more vibrant in person. Rainbows make rush hour traffic much more bearable.

What made your Monday Marvelous?

Do you work in an office?

Have you ever been an intern?

What is your state known for? Cheerwine, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and our Outer Banks!

What I Ate… at Trader Joe’s {WIAW}

Oh Joe the Trader, those four years in Boone were tortuous without you. I’m so very happy you’re back in my life. You warm my cheap, healthy-food-loving heart like no other grocery chain.

To honor my recent reunion with my beloved Trader Joe’s, I thought I’d use this What I Ate Wednesday highlight some of my favorite Trader Joe’s products, because my eats have been pretty boring lately. Watch out, there’s a few!

(Thanks Jenn!)

  1. Salted Crunchy Peanut Butterwiaw1-5

    Just pure peanuts and salt, the way peanut butter should be, and all under $3, just one more way to fuel my nut butter addiction.

  2. Three Buck Chuck

    I know it’s Two Buck Chuck in other luckier states that don’t tax alcohol as hard as they do hear in the Bible Belt. But three dollars for a decent bottle of wine? I’m not even sure what kind of vino magic this is, but it’s a beautiful thing.

  3. Tempeh

    Even though it’s not gluten-free it doesn’t seem to bother my stomach too much and it’s so much cheaper than any other brand. I actually used to load up on it when I was home on weekends because it was that much cheaper.
  4. Unsulfured Turkish Apricots
    I actually tried these for the first time this week but I finished the bag in less than three days. I’m not usually a fan of dried apricots, I think they’re too dry and chewy, but these are sweet, soft and incredible tasty.
  5. Gluten-Free Cheese Pizza

    Finally a gluten-free pizza for less than $8.
  6. Sea Salt & Turbinado Sugar Dark Chocolate Almonds

    These are scary good. I could seriously down the entire container in one sitting if you let me.

  7. The Coffee Selection

    Trader Joe’s makes some dance tasty coffee. Their Peaberry beans are especially delicious.
  8. Wheat-Free Toaster Waffles

    They’re extra good covered in their crunchy peanut butter =)

Do you live near Trader Joe’s? I can sympathize with those of you that don’t, it stinks!

What are some of your favorite Trader Joe’s products?

What’s your favorite grocery chain? I wish I lived near a Publix, those are pretty awesome.

Running & Injury City.

Let’s talk about running.

I’m not doing any of it right now. Boo. I feel like I’ve been in injury city lately. Can we all have a giant injury pity party? I think I need one. And I know most of you runners have dealt with injuries at one point or another.

They suck.

I’ve had a nagging foot injury that crept up last month after my Tar Heel 10-Miler that has gradually gotten more painful. One of these days I will actually make it to the doctor but until then I’ll just be bratty and complain about it.

I have to admit, I’m pretty terrible at dealing with injuries. Mostly, I’m just stubborn and continue running/dancing/exercising despite the pain which inevitably makes things worse. Funny how that works. True story: my senior year of high school I tore my hamstring during dance class and didn’t notice for 3 days, I guess I had some serious endorphins rushing through my system?

Even though I’m still a little (okay a lot) stubborn when it comes to exercise, I’m slowly that rest and recovery is critical to not getting injured, and that doing plyo on a hurt foot is a really terrible idea. Between dealing with tendonitis and now my foot, these injuries are really cramping my style. I miss running and I’ve only got a small window of time before things get unbearably hot here in NC.

I’m not really sure where I’m going with this post other than I’d love to hear your injury stories and how you dealt with it, because obviously I’m not doing a very good job with mine. Any tips for injury prevention/how to not go crazy without running? Tina actually just posted a great post about the benefits of injuries and she brings up a lot of great points about how injuries force you to listen to your body, try new things and train smarter.

Here’s my I-refuse-to-get-injured-again game plan:

  1. Go to the doctor – I’m only resisting it because I’m pretty sure it’s going to go like this: “Ice it and take some naproxen sodium”. I know there’s really not much they can do, but I hate paying for a doctor’s visit just to hear that. And why are doctors visits so expensive? Lame.
  2. Stretch, stretch and stretch again – sometimes I’m really on the ball about stretching and sometimes I really stink at. I want to get more consistent with it. I’ve been neglecting yoga like crazy lately and I can tell my muscles seriously hate me for it. Sorry muscles.
  3. Foam roll my little heart out – Along with yoga, I’ve been neglecting my foam roller, I busted it out the other day and my muscles were crazy tight. Sorry again muscles.
  4. Drink more water – a well hydrated body is a happy body.
  5. Strength training – as much as I hate lunges (I’m pretty sure they qualify as torture) strong and balanced muscles help prevent injuries. Luckily, Best Body Bootcamp has been helping me in this area.
  6. Sleep – it’s essential for recovery, and even though I suck at getting enough sleep, I’m trying to make a really effort to get my 7 hours every night.
  7. Build up mileage slowly – When I can run again. I thought I was already adding pretty slowly, but it’s pretty clear my needs some time to adjust to longer distances because my injuries tend to happen when I’m training for races.
  8. Lots and lots of spin classes – I’m addicted to that post-cardio endorphin rush, so I will be hitting up plenty of spin classes to get my fill of endorphins in a low impact way.


I actually went to a 6AM spin class this morning, my favorite instructor ended up subbing for the class AND we ended class with tabatas to Macklemore and I think that was the fastest I’ve ever pedaled. Best way to end a spin class everrrrr.

Have you ever dealt with injuries? If not I’m super jealous and you need to spill your secrets ASAP.

If so, how did you keep yourself from going crazy?

Are you a fan of spin?

Let’s Play Catch Up {MIMM}

I feel a little bad that I’ve been this little blog lately.  I haven’t been around much but I’ve had plenty of marvelous things going on around here. So I thought I’d catch you up on the last week and a half, because life’s been a little bit of a whirlwind since then!

(Thanks Katie!)

Marvelous is… Graduation!

I don’t technically get my degree until I finish my internship this summer, I walked and I’m out of Boone so that’s close enough. I’m not going to lie though, it’s definitely bittersweet to graduate. I’m ready to move on to a big city (tiny mountain living is only charming for about 4 years) and a big girl job I’m going to miss my college friends a lot.

Marvelous is… My internship with the American Dance Festival! I started on Wednesday and they had me jump right into the swing of things. I’ve already started working on lots of fun design projects and I can already tell I’m going to learn so much this summer. I’m also excited for when the festival actually starts and I’ll be able to take classes!

Marvelous is… Doing a little good. This Sunday my church did a “Church on the Street” event where instead of a typical church service, they had us go out and help with community projects around the area. My mom helped paint some of the rooms in the Children’s wing of the church. It’s been way too long since I’ve done any volunteer work and it felt good to help out again. I need to get back in the habit of it!

Marvelous is… Artspolure, an arts and crafts festival in downtown Raleigh.

There was so much beautiful artwork being sold. I wish my tiny budget had more room for local, handcrafted art, but notsomuch. One day when I get a big girl job it will happen. I did get a really cool coffee mug for $8 which I have been more than excited to used every morning since.

Marvelous is… the Flying Biscuit!


I had an egg white omelet with mushrooms and spinach, with a side of rosemary potatoes. This meal was salt-city (way more than than previous times I’ve been) but I won’t even pretend like I didn’t finish the whole thing with a big glass of water. It does pain me a little to eat here now that I can’t enjoy their enormous complimentary biscuits, but I still enjoy their cranberry apple butter with a spoon, that stuff is amazing.

Marvelous is… early morning workouts. Okay, let’s be honest, waking up at 5:30AM is not marvelous, but having your entire workout done before 7:30 AM certainly is. My schedule is now 10-6 with a 30-45 minute commute home (depending on traffic), a nighttime workout is just not happening so getting it in early gets it out of the way and peps me up for the rest of the day.

What’s marvelous in your Monday?

What did you do this weekend?

Are you a morning or nighttime exerciser? During school I went through phases of being a nighttime exerciser, an afternoon exerciser and a morning exerciser (gotta switch things up right?) but when I’m at home I usually stick to the morning, I loose my motivation not too long after that.

PS I’ve been really horrible at commenting/responding to e-mails and comments and I promise I will catch up! I’ve been taking a breather from social media which feels nice but I’m hoping to catch back up on my Feedly, blog and inbox soon!

Last Week in Boone: The Food {WIAW}

Hey guys! It’s been a little while since I’ve been able to visit this little corner of the internet but I am happy to be back! This past week has been pure craziness: final exams, family visits, graduation, moving home, and on top of that today was the first day of my internship! Whew. No rest for the weary right? That’s okay, they’re all pretty wonderful things so I have no room to complain.

During my last week in Boone, I made it a point to get to all my favorite restaurants for one last meal before moving back to Raleigh. Boone has the BEST restaurants and Raleigh, despite having some decent restaurants, is mostly full of chains, blech. So I had some pretty spectacular meals this past week.

(Thanks Jenn!)


I made a roommate breakfast date at Melanie’s, an adorable little breakfast/lunch place in downtown Boone for Tuesday morning. We all had the morning off for exams and everyone knows a delicious, hearty breakfast is the best final-exam-taking fuel. I started with a very necessary cup of coffee. It’s a little blurry, but that’s what happens when I don’t have caffeine in me. It’s not a good time.


To eat I ordered Melanie’s Big Breakfast


Which came with two eggs (over easy), stewed apples (un-pictured on the side), a biscuit (which I gave away to my roommates) and homefries. I have a new found homefry obsession and have been ordering every where. Maybe not the healthiest obsession but dang delicious. This meal kept me full for 6 whole hours which is a pretty big feat for me.



Thursday afternoon I grabbed an iced coffee pre-exam and a farmer’s market apple. This is the first time I’ve put milk in my coffee in FOREVER. Iced coffee is a little rough on my stomach, probably because I drink it 10x faster than hot coffee, but a little bit of milk seems to help.



Beer, coffee, and a kitty in my lap. Could life be better? I got one last visit in with the kittens before they left for Michigan, it’s amazing how much they’ve grown in 2 weeks!


Dinner was good old Black Cat. I built my own burrito with black beans, rice, broccoli, mushrooms and tomatillo salsa, minus the tortilla. Oh Black Cat, I’m going to miss you so much.


After dinner one of my roommates and I headed to Low Wine Bar. It’s located on top of Espresso News, the best coffee shop in Boone. This was my first time going and I’m not sure why I waited so long because it was awesome. Whoever decided to put a coffee shop and wine bar in the same building is a GENIUS.


I had the Marc Roman Malbec, mostly because it was the cheapest red on the menu, but it also happened to be really tasty. Really easy to drink without being too sweet.


Post-wine my roommate and I spilt a 7 Layer Bar from the coffee shop downstairs (genius, I’m telling you). It was not even close to gluten-free but so tasty it was completely worth it. 7 layer bars are the best.



Saturday afternoon my parents and boyfriends drove up to Boone for graduation festivities. They didn’t get into town until around 1:30 and I was starting to get borderline hangry. It happens. Luckily I had this amazing and filling meal from Coyote Kitchen to tame the hunger beast. I had the Sedona Boat: Coconut rice, black beans, blackened tempeh, roasted sweet potatoes, corn, caramelized onions, roasted red peppers, and spinach, topped with sweet red vegan mayo and scallions. I was full beyond belief after finishing this bad boy but it was soooo worth it.


AKA Graduation day! My college’s graduation wasn’t until 3:30pm so my family had plenty of time to kill before then. We grabbed an early lunch with my uncle at Hob Knob Farm Cafe. Hob Knob is one of my favorite restaurants in Boone, but it’s a little out of my (very small) budget so I save it for when my parents are in town =) . Hob Knob is awesome because they have lots of gluten-free, vegetarian and organic options, they source most of their ingredients locally and they have really adorable decor:


It took me way too long to decide what I was going to order, I’m not used to having so many options – it’s hard to decide! But I finally decided on the Tamale De Bayamo: House made tamale filled w/ spinach, squash, yams, garlic, corn & peppers. Served w/ tamale sauce, black beans, plantains, chipotle queso salsa, green olives, romas & spring mix.



Post-graduation we hit up somewhere low-key for dinner. We didn’t want to deal with the post-graduation dinner rush, especially with 7 people. Black Cat again! Twice in one week? I’m not upset about it.


I had the (blurry) Satay it to Me Softly (how cool are the burrito names?): rice, tofu, carrots, broccoli, caramelized onions, and a spicy peanut sauce. Delicious as always.

And my last full day in Boone wouldn’t be complete without…


Fro yo! Chocolate and Reese’s peanut butter yogurt topped with more Reese’s, chocolate shavings and Oreo’s (they are my gluten nemesis!). This was the most perfect fro yo cup I could have asked for and I enjoyed every last bite!


I have no pictures from Monday (sowwy!) but I have to mention the delicious meal I had at Boone Bagelry. The meal itself was pretty basic but really delicious. I had two eggs (over medium, is it sad I didn’t even realize this was an option until this week?), homefriends (I’m telling you, I’m obsessed!) and a gluten-free whole grain bagel. Yup, a gluten-free bagel! I should have taken more advantage of it this year! I’m kicking myself now.

Then I loaded up on old school candy at the Mast General Store. The sugar was more than necessary for the 3+ hour ride home. Why have I not eaten more MalloCups in my life? They’re delicious!


Today was my first day at my internship! Everything went really well and it looks like it is going to be a busy, but very fun time! I also found out there is a Whole Foods less than a block away from my internship. This is going to be very dangerous for my wallet.


Salad with spinach, garlicky kale, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and roasted chickpeas, roasted zucchini and eggplant (which was served cold, I wasn’t a fan) and some kind of quinoa dish with sweet potatoes, black beans and pepitas. I also had an un-pictured Clif Builder Bar on the side.

After writing this I’m hungry all over again.

Does your town have an delicious/unique restaurants?

What did you eat this week?

What’s your favorite hat/salad bar meal?

PB & Banana Smoothie {WIAW}

This has got to be snappy because I’ve got 3 exams in the next 2 days and this girl needs to get some studying done! So this week I’m celebrating ‘What I Ate Wednesday’ with a smoothie recipe.

(Thanks for hosting Jenn!)

Sunday afternoon I was looking for something hearty to power me through a Finance study sesh, luckily this smoothie did just the trick. It’s got plenty of proteins and plenty of greens to power you through an afternoon of bond valuations, stock pricing, and annuity schedules. Now if only it would warm up enough so that I wouldn’t have to huddle in a pile of blankets after drinking it.

PB & Banana Smoothie


peanut butter banana smoothie


  • 1/2 – 1 banana (depending on how much sweetness you want)
  • 2 tbsp PB2
  • 1 cup milk of choice (I used sunflower seed milk)
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup greek yogurt (I used plain Chobani)
  • 2 large handfuls of spinach
  • 1 tsp vanilla (you could also just use vanilla yogurt)
  • Cinnamon


  1. Blend!
  2. Avoid brain freeze.

peanut butter and banana smoothie

Are you a smoothie fan?

Have you tried PB2? I just bought my first jar and I’m OBSESSED.

ViPR Tubes

Have you guys ever heard of ViPR tubes?

ViPR tubes

I hadn’t until a couple of weeks ago. App’s recreation department got a set of these a couple weeks ago. Since I’m a group fitness instructor, I had the opportunity to attend a demo on these guys. The verdict? They’re pretty awesome and a great way to spice up a workout.

ViPR tubes (which stands for Vitality , Performance and Reconditioning), are hollow, weighted, rubber tubes. They have 3 handles, two vertical handles on one side, and a single horizontal handle on the opposite side.

So what can you do with it? Well anything.

These tubes are great for both strength training and cardio. They can add weight to squats and lunges, either by holding the tubes like this:

Or standing it up on one end and tipping the tube in either direction:

The vertical handles can be used to do exercises like shoulder presses, chest presses, lat raises and bicep curls.

ViPRs can also amp up your push ups and planks by placing the tube on its side and placing your hands on the cylinder, this creates some instability and gives your core one serious workout. We did push ups on the tube and they were killer!

ViPR tubes can also be incorporated into cardio circuits. They add some major resistance to speed skaters and heismans:

They can also be add some extra resistance to BURPEES! Because burpees need to be more difficult. Add in a chest press at the top of the burpee (instead of a jump) to add in some fun. Or pain.

One of my personal favorite exercises we did was army crawls while pushing the tubes across ground. Killer. Then instead of turning around and pushing it back, we army crawled backwards while pulling the tube back with us. Hurts so good.

Incorporating ViPR tubes into your strength training or a cardio circuit could be a great way to change things up next time your at the gym. They’re super versatile and work almost every muscle in your body, pretty awesome if you ask me.

Interested? You can find more information and exercises here:

Have you tried ViPR tubes before?

How do you change up your workout routine?

I’m in no way affiliated with ViPR, I’m pretty sure they don’t even know I exist, I just thought they were an awesome new fitness tool!

Art Crawlin’ & Quatro de Mayo {MIMM}

Happy Monday!

Despite the start of exam week it is a very happy Monday because it is my last Monday in college! Graduation is slowly becoming more real, and I am simultaneously getting more excited and terrified by the second.

(Thanks for hosting Katie!)

This weekend my friends and I attempted to live it up one last time while we’re all in town for the weekend! Unfortunately, the weather was not super cooperative, but we didn’t let that stop us too much 🙂

Marvelous is… The farmer’s market is finally over! Just in time for me to leave… whomp, whomp. Luckily I have multiple farmer’s markets at home that are pretty sweet, one of them is even open 7 days a week. I’m very produce spoiled but that is what happens when you live in the capital of a agriculture-heavy state. Lots of delicious produce!


Biggest rabbit I’ve ever seen, seriously it was larger than any cat I’ve ever owned.





I only ended up purchasing some apples (which are not nearly as good as they were in the fall, that season is more than over) and some farm fresh eggs, I have missed those suckers and they are sooo much better than store bought. I always buy them from a booth with this sweet old man because he always seems so grateful for the business and I love knowing the chickens are treated nicely. Happy chickens makes for tastier eggs.

Marvelous is… Art Crawlin’!

Dinner before hand at a new Asian restaurant: Taste Grill


I had the avocado roll, which was good but not different from any other mid-priced Asian restaurant.

Free wine samples! With a side of “you don’t look old enough”. It’s getting old quick.


The cutest puppy I’ve seen in a while. I seriously considered just running off with him.


Modern dance in an art gallery. I’m in heaven.


Fro yo to round out the night.


Reeses peanut butter and chocolate yogurt with chocolate, Oreos and Reeses. I was craving chocolate and peanut butter in a bad way.

Marvelous is… Quatro de Mayo! Cinco de Mayo happened a day earlier over here. Something about having to teach a Sunday evening Pilates class and a 9AM finance exam made me think Sunday night drink was a poor choice. Something about wanting to graduate and not get fired, silly things like that.


Dinner at Black Cat Burrito to keep with the fiesta theme. Tortilla-less burrito with black beans, rice, mushrooms, broccoli and tomatillo sauce, with their delicious coleslaw on the side of course. Hit the spot. I’m sure going to miss these burritos.

Marvelous is… Milk (Stout) and cookies! With a side of Joy Ride. Somehow my friends and I have made a tradition of watching Joy Ride every year on reading day. I can’t say it’s my favorite tradition, because if you’ve ever seen Joy Ride you know it’s a terrible movie, but cookies and beer make everything better.

I made these cookies and they came out quite tasty, even my gluten eating friends liked them. Then I washed them down with a beer, so much for gluten-free.

Marvelous is… Nostalgic college slideshows. My friend put one together of all of us (with some pretty hilarious photoshopped pictures) I’m going to miss everyone!

Marvelous is… My finance exam is DONE. It was my hardest exam so fingers crossed that I did okay! Only 2 projects, 1 speech, and 2 exams stand between me and summer. I. Can. Do. This. Can you tell I’m ready for summer?

Marvelous is… My family gets here on Saturday, which means tasty dinners out and extra pack help. Oh and quality family time of course.


Marvelous is… Breakfast plans with the roomie for tomorrow morning. I have a two day break before my next exam and will be doing my best to not spend the whole time studying.

Marvelous is… My first run in a couple weeks! My foot is still a little sore but it is feeling much better. I only did 15 short minutes today but it felt good to run again. The elliptical is starting to drive me crazy.

What made your Monday marvelous?

Any exciting summer plans?

How did you celebrate Cinco de Mayo?

Around the Web

This is going to be quick because I’ve a test and paper due tomorrow (oh, the joys of exam time!). Well, exam time means there’s a good chunk of time spend surfing the web ignoring all the projects I have piling up. Just kidding. A little. I thought I’d share some fun things I’ve found around the internet lately.

Several cat videos are about to happen, just a warning. They are the ultimate productivity suck.

I found my next workout routine for when Best Body Bootcamp wraps up:

True life, I’ve actually tried to bicep curl my cat before. Unfortunately she only weighs 7lbs so it wasn’t much of a workout. Thanks to this video I know realize the key is a cat in each hand. Watch out kitties.

I know this video is all over the place but I seriously die laughing every single time I see it. I don’t think it will ever get old.

I just want to know what cat would actually let you dress them up in a shark costume, because I want one. I think my hands would be shredded if I attempted that my cats.

16 Sasst Tweets from The Nation’s 16th Largest School District – I don’t know if this should make me proud of my former school district, or just worried for education.

9 Myths & Misconceptions about Pilates – I think I’ve heard every single one of these since becoming a Pilates and they’re just not true. Pilates is awesome and I think everyone should do it. I might be a little biased about that 🙂

I’m currently completely obsessed with this song. Like listen to it 10+ a day everyday kind of obsessed, I can’t get enough!

I’m also obsessed with Macklemore‘s album “The Heist”. I bought it before my 10-miler for a little new music to push me through those 10 miles and it’s pretty fantastic.

I also think Macklemore’s face is pretty fantastic. Actually, I think I just like a man in Batman footie pajamas.

Maybe I shouldn’t admit that.

99U by Behance – while their articles are mainly design-focused, they have some really great articles about more general topics like cultivating creativity and business advice. Plus because the website if for designers, the design is beautiful, is it bad that I immediately judge websites based on how pretty they are? I just can’t take a poorly designed website seriously, I just can’t.

62 Gluten Free Dessert Recipes – thanks to Greatist, I am drooling already.

Tina’s adding some exciting new features to the next round of Best Body Bootcamp, which you should definitely check out because it’s an AMAZING program.

May Goal & A Day in the Life {WIAW}

Happy May!

May is going to be one crazy month, with graduation, a big girl job interview (eep!) and the start of my internship, but I am more than excited for what May will bring!

A new month means a goal time!


Back in April I set a goal to get more sleep, ideally aiming for anything more than 7 hours because I really stink at getting to bed on time. Well, even though it wasn’t a complete success, there were a couple miserable 5 hour nights sprinkled in there, I definitely got a lot more sleep than I have been the past few months. I even got 8+ hours on more than one occasion which is pretty unheard of for me.


Sleepy puppy.

Getting a full night’s sleep is something I’m still working on, but I’m doing much better, which is a major improvement!

This month I’m going to focus on…


I really stink at drinking water. So much so that I usually resort to toting a huge water bottle around with me, because you look pretty silly carrying a huge water bottle if you don’t actually drink any of it. Dehydration really takes a toll on my workouts, and makes my legs cramp like crazy when I walk up hills and since the entire town of Boone is on a hill (literally I walk up hill to class… both ways… in the snow. Okay, grandpa rant over)  that’s not such a good thing.

So my goal for the month is to get at least 60 oz of water everyday, ideally 64+ oz, but I have my trusty Eddie Bauer 30 oz water bottle, so I aiming to drink at least two of those everyday, and even more on days like this:

Screen shot 2013-05-01 at 10.35.29 PM

Sometimes 4 cups of coffee is necessary, but so is lots of water.

And because it’s Wednesday…

WIAW time! Thanks to Jenn for hosting!

It’s been a while since I’ve done a day in the life sort of post so I thought it’d be pretty fun to bring one back. There’s some recycled photos are happening here, but I’m a huge creature of habit, so they’re all pretty accurate.

8:00 AM

Breakfast time:


Plus one more egg. I used to be a diehard sweet breakfast eater but lately I’ve been craving eggs in the morning, gotta get that protein in early!

9:30 AM

Caught the bus to campus for my Dance History class. Today’s lecture was on hip hop and I have to say, it’s pretty entertaining to listen to your tiny, white, yoga-loving professor discuss hip hop.

11:15 AM

Lunch-ish? I have a 4 hour gap between classes, but I try to stay on campus to be productive. If I go back to my apartment I get pulled into all things Food Network, it doesn’t help that Paula Deen comes on at noon. Yes, I know Paula’s TV schedule, I don’t play with my Paula’s Best Dishes. So I hung out in the campus coffee shop instead to get some work done. I think I spent more time reading blogs than doing actual work. Whoopsies.


Sweet potatoes, Earth Balance Coconut Peanut Butter (which is absolutely delicious by the way), lots of cinnamon and a sprinkle of salt. My new favorite snack!

Check out those painted nails! I finally made it happen!


And my staple banana. I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten one almost everyday this year.

12:30 PM

Lunch part 2:


Spinach salad with raw tempeh, grape tomatoes, apple cider vinegar and nutritional yeast.

1:30 PM

I headed to the campus gym for today’s Best Body Bootcamp workout! My arms feel like jello! Today’s workout featured a few exercise on the incline bench, which makes me feel a little badass when I use it. It’s one of those pieces of gym equipment you rarely see girls use so I always feel a little awesome using it. Maybe that’s silly but I’m okay with that.

I also got in a little cardio on the bike. Still trying to take it easy on the running because my foot is still sore but I’m getting antsy! I just want to run again! Injuries are dumb.

2:45 PM

I had a quick  hard-boiled egg before heading to my 3:30 Finance class, the last one of the semester. I’m pretty glad, I learned a lot of really useful things in that class, but I’d much rather be designing something pretty than working out stock prices.


5:00 PM

Caught the bus back to my apartment, and ate a banana as soon as I walked in the door, my stomach was growling up a storm!


Just ignore the fact I already used this picture in this post, that’s not important.


I cooked up some zucchini ribbons with grape tomatoes, onions, and a little nutritional yeast.


Kind of like this, but minus the kale. Our fridge is crazy and my zucchini was completely frozen, so the “noodles” did not look so appetizing after they were cooked, but luckily they tasted just as good.


A post-dinner greek yogurt snack.


followed by an unpictured orange and some raw tempeh, because I’m too lazy to cook it and I don’t mind the taste of raw. Maybe that means I’ve been a vegetarian for too long, I feel like raw tempeh should not be an enjoyable taste.

I spent the night trying to be productive and not get sucked in by cat videos on YouTube, it was difficult, but I like to think I succeeded, at least a little.

11:30 PM

About to hit publish and go to bed!

How much water do you try to drink everyday?

What’s something delicious you’ve eaten this week?

What’s your go to meal for busy weeks?