Bottomless Pit & Thanksgiving Excitement {WIAW}

Yesterday I had one of those days where I just wanted to eat anything and everything. I didn’t get much of a lunch and was really hungry when I got home after a 3 hour drive home and I think my body was just like “Lea. Food. NOW.” Even when I was full I still wanted to keep eating? Anyone else have those kinda days? It happens.

(Thanks Jenn for hosting every week!)

Since my stomach decided to pretend it was a bottomless pit, I didn’t get too many pictures of food. But let’s be real, you don’t really want to see 10 pictures of carrots, peanut butter and endless handfuls of pistachios and grapes? That’s what I thought. Here’s a couple of things I did snap a picture of:

I got this drink powder for free with an order from iHerb, but it was pretty gross. I think the problem was that I just mixed it with water and it didn’t have any flavors or sweeteners in it so it tasted like I was drinking grass. Β It probably would have been good in a smoothie though.

Car snacks/Lunch! I grabbed a few things on the way out of town because I was hangry after class! I think I’m addicted to kombuchas which is not good because my wallet cries a little when I buy one. Sorry wallet. I’m also in love with the cookie dough Luna protein bars, they are really just glorified candy bars but they are so dang good that I don’t care too much.

Dinnerrrr! I was so hungry I didn’t manage to get a picture. I don’t miss too many gluten-filled foods but every once in a while I get a huge pizza craving. My parents were nice enough to pick me up this pizza so I could enjoy it while they had regular Trader Joe’s pizza for dinner which was really sweet of them. The pizza was really good and the crust didn’t have that crumbly texture most gluten-free pizzas have. Good job Joe. I’ll pretend that I didn’t eat the whole thing.

That’s all I got for you for yesterday, but since tomorrow is Thanksgiving (yay!) I thought I’d share some of the food I’ll be enjoying tomorrow!

You should know that my family totally cheats when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner. There is a southern-style restaurant near my grandfather’s house in South Carolina that let’s you order food for Thanksgiving, you can pick it up frozen a few days before Thanksgiving and thaw and cook everything the day of. We may be cheaters, but it works for feeding 8 people in my grandfather’s tiny kitchen.

Thanks to the south’s love of eating as many animals as possible in one meal, there are a few things I can’t eat, but that’s okay, there’s still plenty of foods I’m looking forward to.

Sweet potato souffle, soooo good. Minus the marshmallows because gelatin is a sneaky little vegetarian nemesis. This is no surprise though because I love anything and everything sweet potato.

Creamed corn! I don’t care that this is a staple of old ladies and you don’t actually need teeth to eat it. I could eat it by the bowlful. Actually, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t done that. Unfortunately, Wade’s doesn’t have any this year. I cried a little when I found out, it’s just not Thanksgiving with out creamed corn. If that sounds dramatic then you just don’t understand my love for the stuff. It’s deep.

Brussel sprouts! I bought a whole stalk of brussel sprouts to roast. I’m secretly hoping everyone else hates brussel sprouts and I can have the whole stalk to myself. Not kidding.

I couldn’t forget about pumpkin pie! I think I’m going to be nice to my digestive track and eat a gluten-free meal because I haven’t been doing such a good job the past couple days (I blame my roommate’s mom for baking her a really delicious coconut cake and sharing it with all of us. Yep, all her fault) so I want to be nice to my poor tummy. But don’t think I won’t still scrape all the filling out of several pieces of pie (: The filling is really the best part anyway.

I’ll be in South Carolina to celebrate Thanksgiving for the next couple days. We’re staying at my grandfather’s house who doesn’t have internet (the horror) so I won’t be seeing much of me. I do have a couple of small posts lined up, but I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! And don’t eat too much turkey (seriously, they have feelings too).

What are you looking forward to eating tomorrow?

When does your family eat the big Thanksgiving meal? We eat our big meal at lunch, which leaves the rest of the day to lay around in a food coma.

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  1. I have never had gluten free pizza. I need to try it.

  2. mmm that sweet potato souffle looks amazing; so jealous of all the wonderful thanksgiving food you have in the U.S

  3. My family eats our big meal at lunch too. Then for the rest of the day everyone just picks over the leftovers. That’s great that you have some things you can eat even with your restrictions. Unfortunately I just have to bring a Tupperware of some “boring” food that I can eat. Otherwise I’d starve. Haha.

    Happy Thanksgiving! And have fun internet-free πŸ™‚

  4. I had an “eat everything” day today! And so…I did πŸ™‚ I REALLY want to try Luna Protein too, but you can’t get them in Canada 😦

  1. Thanksgiving/Anniversary 2012 « greensandcoffeebeans

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