Friend Makin’ Monday!

I found this over at All The Weigh, it looked like fun and I wanted to join in!

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: Current Favorites

  1. Song – Poison and Wine by the Civil Wars, I’m obsessed.
  2. Drink – Tea, I’ve been on a major tea kick lately. And coffee as always, I am a college student
  3. Physical feature of the opposite sex (or the sex that you find attractive) – eyes, and hair, maybe that’s weird?
  4. TV Show(s) – Two Broke Girls, it’s hilarious! I love Max’s humor. And Paula’s Best Dishes, can she adopt me as her granddaughter?
  5. Actor/Actress – Um… I don’t really have a favorite at the moment
  6. Book – I’m reading the Little Black Book of Design, it’s helping to get those creative juices flowing.
  7. Form of communication – E-mail, I’ve been sending out e-mails like crazy to try to find an internship, I sound much more professional in writing that in person!
  8. Exercise – YOGA. It feels sooooo good lately. And HIIT, a good sweat sesh is always amazing!
  9. Food – Cottage cheese, random but it’s tasty, versatile and an awesome source of protein.
  10. Quote – Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, “you owe me” look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky – Hafiz of Shiraz